Departure for a New Continent

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 "So you children are the chosen digidestined and Princess. You must be strong to have defeated Devimon." The old man said ignoring the question. "Uh hello, our question first, please. Who are you?" Arashi asked. "Are you a friend of Devimon's?" Matt added. "Fear not for I am a friend to all and yet I am a friend to none." The old man replied as Arashi started getting ticked. "Don't give us an Aristotle proverb as an answer!" She shouted as he turned towards Mimi and Sora. "Wow I can't believe it there are actually other humans besides us in this world." Sora gasped. "I am human, and yet not human." The old man replied. "No, my name is Gennai I couldn't send you this message during your battle with Devimon. But now the lines are clear and only ten cents a minute." The old man said.

"Who are and just where are you?" Izzy asked. "I am speaking to you far away from file island, across the ocean on the continent of Server." Gennai replied. "Oh so you'll answer his question and not mine." Arashi asked. "Hush Princess it is better for you to be seen and not heard." Gennai told her as she opened her mouth to respond but closed it fuming with rage. "Talk about a long distance call. How long have you been here?" "Since before the beginning and until after the end." Gennai told Sora. "Are you the one who got us stuck here in the digital world?" Mimi asked. "It was not I." "Then who was it?" "It was... I don't know." Gennai told Mimi as all the kids groaned in disappointment.

"But Mr, Gennai sir do you know what we need to do to get back home again?" T.K. asked. "No, I don't." Gennai replied as Tai crossed his arms and snapped at him. "Boy you're a regular fountain of information aren't you?" "I'm sorry I can't help you but you can help me." "Huh?" The kids replied as Arashi found her voice again. "Hold on you mean to tell me you come here with your riddles and unhelpful information then ask us to come work for you?" Arashi asked. "Stay in your place young Princess I wasn't finished." He told her as she huffed in defeat. "Please come to Server and defeat our enemies. As the digidestined I have faith in all of you." Gennai told them. "That's crazy we don't even know your location." Izzy pointed out.

"Good point I forgot you're from out of town let me create a map for you on your computer." "Huh?" Izzy asked sliding of his pack and opening his laptop. "But what if your enemies a humungazoid? Do you think we can beat anything tougher than Devimon?" Joe asked. "Not presently but if your Digimon can digivolve once more you might be able to do it." Gennai replied. "We can all Digivolve even more like Morphomon did?" Agumon asked. "But you'll need something special to do it. As will you Princess, from now on your power will come from yours and others now that Devimon is defeated." Gennai said as Arashi nodded. Gennai faded out as a picture of a necklace with a slot and cartridge appeared in the beam. "If you have the tags and Crests you're Digimon will be able to digivolve even further." Gennai's voice explained. "Please tell us where we can find these tags and Crests." Gabumon said.

"The Crests are scattered about, you can locate them all throughout the continent of Server and the tags were secretly sealed away somewhere by Devimon." The picture turned back to Gennai. "Oh no Devimon... Oh. No. You must come. Come quickly I'll be waiting on Server." Grnnai said as the picture and light faded. "He's gone." Tai gasped. "What was that?" Mimi asked. "Good Riddance." Arashi said sticking her tongue out at the device. Everyone turned to Izzy as he gasped looking at his laptop. "Gennai's transmission ended rather abruptly." Tentomon ssid. "Well at least he was able to send the map through before he got caught off." Izzy said looking at it. "I hope he's alright." Sora sighed. "More importantly what's our next move gonna be?" Arashi asked. "I've got a full proof plan first we'll eat something and after that I'm open to suggestions." Tai replied.

"Man, I really don't want to eat more fruits and nuts." Arashi sighed scratching the back of her head. "Well why don't we go try to find a lake or something to make camp for the day." Sora offered. "Oh, yes we can go look for more fridges full of eggs." Mimi squealed. "Mimi, on the off chance we do find another refrigerator what makes you think we should steal from that one too?" Joe asked. "Still not letting that go are you, Joe?" Matt asked. "I'm just saying we should think about the consequences our-Hey!" Joe exclaimed as Tai, Arashi, Agumon, Izzy, and Tentomon began walking off. "Look Joe, we're all tired and hungry. I for one want to find someplace to make camp while it's still daylight out." Tai said. "You too Izzy?" Joe asked. "I'm more focused on finding out everything we can about the powers Arashi has as Princess. It certainly explains a few things about her." Izzy said. "A few things?" Arashi questioned. "How else would you be able to survive a jump from a cruise ship? Or a supposedly lethal ice blast or a-" "Okay I get it. Sheesh." Arashi sighed. "Well, I think it's time for us to get off this mountain." Sora said as everyone nodded.

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