X-Scratch and Whipping Waves

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 "So how far is the lake, you think?" I asked after a few minutes. "Not long... are you and Lunamon okay? You guys were getting pretty rude back there." Sora' questioned. "Hmm, oh yeah... just stress I guess," I replied. " Honestly I've always thought Lunamon's a bit of a handful. Maybe you should replace her with Meicoomon or Gatomon." Sora' said as we kept walking. "I'll... uh... I'll keep that in mind." I chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "Anyways I've been meaning to ask how it feels being the Princess. I mean you must think pretty highly of yourself what with all the fanfare and attention you receive." Sora' started ignoring my nervousness.

"Well actually-" "That reminds me what do you think of Splashmon anyways, you must have some opinion on him. In fact I thought he was quite attractive even for a Digimon," Sora' rambled, cutting me off. 'I don't know how much longer I can take this?' I thought, giving a fake smile as she continued. "That silvery suit was absolutely stunning. Much better than what you're wearing, I mean ratty jackets?" Sora' questioned. "My dresses are dirty." I replied. "Eh, can't be helped." she said before continuing. I grimaced as a small spark began flashing from my digivice and I smiled. "Ah, we're here." Sora' said as I looked up to see we were right at the edge of the lake. "So where are the others and Splashmon?" I asked, glancing about. "They must be somewhere around here." Sora stated.

Just then I heard scuffling sounds from behind me as I turned to see two Pagumon cowering behind a rock. "Maybe we should split up." I offered as Sora's' eyes seemed to sparkle in delight. "An excellent idea." she said as I chuckled nervously and approached the Pagumon. "It's the Princess." one of the Pagumon said, noticing my approach. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." I assured them as they scuffled back. One poked its head out in the direction Sora' was and shivered before moving back behind the rock with me. "If you don't mind my asking what happened to the rest of your village?" I asked. "Splashmon destroyed them all. We came here to offer our assistance in capturing you but he turned us down and killed the rest of us with his slime minions." A Pagumon replied.

"That's awful, I'm so sorry." I said petting them. "Why are you being so nice to us?" one questioned, pulling away. "Hmm?" I questioned. "We tricked you and just admitted to trying to help turn you into Myotismon, why are you comforting us?" the Pagumon replied. "Just because you've done some questionable things doesn't make you bad Digimon. Everyone, even people who did wrong have feelings. It's obvious you guys miss your friends and are afraid so what kind of person would I be yelling at you for something you did while you're hurting?" I asked. The Pagumon sat there for a moment when I heard a rustling sound. I grabbed the Pagumon and rolled forward as a group of blue and green splashers landed where we had just been and a laugh came from the other side of the rock.

"What a beautiful sentiment, too bad no one else will ever hear it." Sora' smiled, clapping as she approached. "S-Sora? What's going on?" I stammered. 'My IQ is lowering every second I keep this up, is what's going on." I thought to myself as Sora' laughed. "My my you were so easy to fool weren't you?" Sora' asked. "Fool?" I asked as another group of splashers leaped at me and the Pagumon. "That's not your real friend, that's Splashmon. He changed his form to trick you." One of the Pagumon said as I grabbed them and began running. "And now that I've got you here all alone it's time for my revenge." Sora' laughed. "Revenge? Revenge for what?" I asked as I dodged another set of splashers. However, I didn't notice the set of rocks in front of me before it was too late. I yelped as I tripped and tumbled to the ground holding the Pagumon close to my chest.

"Not so fun being the one on the ground covered in mud and dirt, now is it?" Sora' asked. "If you're gonna mock me, at least have the decency to face me as yourself!" I shouted getting up and kicking mud at her. As I did she melted into a puddle of water before becoming a tall humanoid figure. "Now, now, don't go thinking it'll be that easy to defeat me." Splashmon said as I scrambled away. "Let me wash you off! Hydro-Pressure!" Splashmon shouted as water shot from his fingers at high speed. I managed to dodge the first set but Splashmon raised his second hand and fired at me once more. The water hit me in the side of the chest and sent me sideways as I was forced back into the lake, dropping the Pagumon. I groaned in pain holding my side as I struggled to my knees.

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