Princess Karaoke and Princess Harmony

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Now let's switch right over to how the others were doing with the girl in the pink hat. In the swan boat, Joe and Tai pedaled while Agumon sat on the roof and Gomamon relaxed up front. "Hey, what's with you guys? Can't you make this bucket go any faster?" Agumon asked. "What are you doing to help?" Joe retorted. "Watching for icebergs." "We'd gladly trade places with you but-" Agumon and Gomamon started. "Unfortunately our little legs won't reach the pedals!" Agumon and Gomamon laughed together. "Hey, we could go faster if we threw you off!" Tai said "You wouldn't!" Agumon gasped. "It's tempting..." "Better not." Gomamon told Tai. They landed the boat on the shore, and looked upwards at a huge palace, on top of the cliff. It was built in a traditional oriental style, with lots of tapering roofs. 

"Wow, that palace is huge!" Joe gasped. "Wow..." the others echoes in unison. "And way up there as if my legs weren't already tired." he lifted his digivice showing an exterior plan of the cliff, with a red dot shining inside the palace. "But there's no doubt about it. Someone is in there, So up we go!" Tai said. They climbed up steps built into the rock face, and reached the huge door of the palace. "How do they get their mail?" Joe questioned out of breath. From inside, they heard lots of voices. They opened the door and see loads of Digimon milling about - they all appear to be either green frog-like ones with brass horns entangling their bodies, or blue tadpoles. "Alright, you know what to do!" "Wait, what are you talking about?" "Get out of my way!" The digimon shouted at each other. 

"Is this a palace or some kind of loony bin?" Tai asked. "Seems like it's both." Joe replied. "Her Highness is getting angry!" A frog said sprinting past. "Oh, these are Gekomon? I've heard about them. They really love music - not surprising since they're born with those horns." Gomamon stated. "Hurry, before she blows her top!" A tadpole replied to the Gekomon. "And I've heard of the other Digimon. They're called Otamamon." Agumon stated. "Hurry! Hurry!" The main Gekomon screeched to a halt when he spotted the party of four at the door. "Uh, hello? Can you help us, we're looking for someone." Gomamon stated. "About time you got here. Where's the triple hot fudge sundae we ordered for delivery to the Princess?" The Gekomon asked. "That's not us." They group replied. 

"Then you must be delivering her bacon chilli cheeseburger with fries and a super-size milkshake!" An second Gekomon cheered. "That's not us either!" "Of course not! They're delivering the garden-fresh salad with low-fat dressing without dessert!" Another Gekomon stated. "We'd like to ask a question if you don't mind." Tai, Joe, Agumon and Gomamon said but they were ignored. "Her Highness asked for a fudge sundae!" "No, she wanted a bacon chilli cheeseburger!" "Excuse me, she said she wanted a green salad!" The Gekomon argued. "Hey, excuse me! Have you seen a girl in a hat?" Tai asked. "Hey, we're ordering lunch here!" An Otamamon said. "Well, then I'll have a burger!" Joe replied. "All the Princess really cares about is that polka-dot party dress she ordered." Another Otamamon said.

"Old news! Now she wants pink leather pants with matching boots and accessories!" Another Otamamon cried. "No one told me that!" That first replied. "Oh, get with the program!" The second stated. The Gekomon and Otamamon continued "It sounds to me like this Princess of theirs is extremely picky." "She sounds kinda spoiled if you ask me." Joe and Tai stated shortly. "I wonder what happens if they don't do what she says?" Agumon questioned. "Here she comes!" The Otamamon and Gekomon cried. They all stopped arguing and ran off. "Presenting, her Highness, the Princess!" The Gekomon yelled. "Cool, we're gonna get to meet the Princess!" Tai cheered. "Isn't Arashi the Princess?" "I thought she was." Gomamon and Agumon said. A figure clad in a flowing white dress and pink ribbons glides down the stairs. 

"Huh? It's Mimi!" Tai and Joe gasp. Mimi's lost her hat, and wore a tiara instead. She also carried a fan. "Oh, bummer." She sighed looking at the two boys. "Huh?" Tai and Joe questioned. "What a surprise." Mimi said as the Otamamon and Gekomon all bowed down before her."You're telling me, what are you doing up there?" Tai asked. "What do you think? I'm being a princess, of course!" Mimi said holding her fan in front of her face. "So you're the spoiled princess we've been hearing about." Agumon stars as the boys all sighed. "We should've known it was Mimi!" They all said together. "Don't call me Mimi anymore! That's Princess now!" Mimi shouted at them snapping her fan closed.

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