In a Field of Lilies

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"Please make it stop. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy. Mercy." Like a broken record all the little girl could say was 'mercy.' Not for herself but for the crying Digimon who were being disassembled and destroyed. "Arashi?" "Miss Kaida!" Daigo and Dr. Nishimura were quick to check on the young girl as the others in the room watched in confusion. "You're hurting them. They're crying. Stop it. Please, you're killing them. You're killing them." Arashi cried as the screams only she could hear began to die out as two words appeared on the main monitor.

'Purge Complete.'

"Do you think you can survive if Yggdrasil targets you again? With your unstable abilities, do you know the consequences being infected will bring to everyone? What will happen if the Agency finds out Meicoomon is–" "I don't care!" Arashi snaps. "I may not know how to save them, but I sure as hell won't stand by and watch them suffer. Not again. I'll stay with them no matter what happens to me." And with that, Arashi swings the door open and takes off down the halls and towards the exit, Meicoomon by her side. However traveling from the Dark Ocean to the Digital World was a far more difficult task than what it appeared, especially when the Dark Ocean didn't want to let you go.

Unbeknownst to Arashi, ambling around the perimeter of the building were multiple murky black creatures in search of her with dozens more clambering their way up the cliff from the water below. The entrance door opened with a bang as the creatures all turned to see Arashi and Meicoomon exiting the building, a red glow shone in their eyes like a predator locking onto its prey. "Mei..." "I'm trying, but I don't think I can." Meicoomon and Arashi took steps backward as the creatures slunk towards them. "We'll have to run for it." "Run where?" Meicoomon questioned as a dark liquid dripped onto the ground between her and Arashi. The duo slowly turned their attention upwards to see more of the creatures climbing atop the building preparing to pounce.

"Doesn't matter where just run!" Arashi yelped, grabbing Meicoomon's paw and running from the building as the creatures leaped to the ground. Arashi skidded to a stop and made a sharp duck between another set of creatures in order to continue her escape down the left side of the building. The creatures wasted no time in chasing after her as she attempted to run towards the forests. Unfortunately waiting in the unlit tree tops were more creatures, these ones possessing wing and talon-like features. "Filho da puta." Arashi yelped, tumbling to the ground in order to dodge the swipe of a talon. Only to find another one of the creatures looming over her.

"Que te folle un pez!" Arashi dealt a swift kick to the creature's face as she scrambled to her feet. "We really have to work on your manners." Mei sighs as Arashi chuckles. "It's not like they know what I'm saying." After ducking past another group of creatures Arashi finds herself trapped on the edge of the cliff with more creatures scaling up the rocks as she stands there. "Any ideas?" "One. But you're not going to like it." Arashi says glancing at the creatures behind her and then back at the water. "You didn't happen to learn how to swim in America did you?" Meicoomon asks. "Nope," Arashi replies. "But I did learn how to gamble and I'm willing to take this bet. Hold your breath!" Arashi tightens her grip on Meicoomon and leaps off the cliff.

"The child...." Dr. Nishimura sighs, staring at the whipping waves below him. "Oh well, whether she survives or not my work is done. I really do despise this job..." Dr. Nishimura trails off as he turns away from the cliff. All around him were the disheveled bodies of the black murky creatures, creatures that had once been called Digimon before succumbing to Yggdrasil's powers. Pulling out a phone Dr. Nishimura dialed a number as a portal glitched into existence not too far ahead of him. "Despite what it may seem I truly do wish for you a better future than what they've planned. I just hope you can survive long enough to find it." With these words, Dr. Nishimura disappears into the portal.

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