Sora's Crest of Love

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Tai and Joe pedaled the swan boat back across the waters Koromon, Palmon, and Mimi sat on top while Gonamaon perched up front. Eventually the boat reached shore and they all hopped off. "We're here!" "Ugh...I'm tired!" Tai and Joe exclaimed. "Okay, Mimi, get off your throne!" Tai said, holding his arms out. "I wouldn't exactly call this a throne!" Mimi laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, well I wouldn't call you a princess!" Tai shot back. "That's because Arashi's your princess." "My princess what are you-?" "Guys, over here!" A voice yelled cutting off Tai. The group turned to see Matt, Izzy, and T.K. "Hey, it's Matt!" Joe said as they all regrouped. "It's been a long time since I've seen you! My you've shrunk!" Palmon told the other Digimon. "Don't rub it in!" Motimon, Tsunomon, and Koromon said "Where's Sora and Arashi?" Tai asked. "We thought you might know." Matt replied.

"That's weird. It's not like them to disappear like that." Tai said. "Actually, I think I saw Sora." Mimi said. "Huh?" "Where did you see her?" Tai asked. "At the Gekomon's castle! But I might have been dreaming." Mimi replied. "I think you're right, it must have been a dream. Arashi was carried off by Renamon X and I haven't seen Sora." Joe said. "Actually, I forgot that when I was just about to eat one of those mushrooms of forgetfulness, when I was Agumon, I heard voices that sounded a lot like Arashi and Sora's," Koromon said. "That's weird," Tai said. "I had a similar experience," Izzy said. "Yeah?" Mimi asked. "Back in Vademon's universe, I heard Arashi's voice telling me to unleash the power of my crest. Along with a Digimon I had never seen before called Crescemon." Izzy said. "Arashi's the one who got me your crest and led me to your curiosity Izzy or at least I think she was. I'm not really sure anymore." Motimon said. 

"She helped confirm my suspicions about DemiDevimon back when I was Tokomon too." Patamon added. "That's right I saw her back at the amusement park right before Tai and Agumon found me. I was really upset and yelled at her but I thought I was just imagining it." T.K. sighed looking guilty. "I've run into her a few times too along with some weird Digimon. First there was the time with TobuCatmon, then right before T.K. and Tai came to the diner Arashi told me that...." Matt trailed off remembering the argument. "...that T.K. was safe and on his way with Tai. Then at the diner, we met Renamon X when she helped defeat Digitamamon. Then Arashi and Morphomon warned me about what was happening to Izzy" Matt stated. "We ran into Renamon X at the palace too, except after helping us she grabbed Arashi and ran off." Gomamon said. 

"We ran into a Sangloupmon back when we first arrived back in the digiworld it stole Tai's digivice and led us to Tokomon." Koromon said. "Hey, isn't that the same Digimon who stopped us from eating the first batch of poisoned mushrooms?" T.K. asked Tai who nodded. "Even more interesting I saw Arashi in the real world." Tai said. "What?" The other gasped. "Yeah, except  Koromon couldn't see her." Tai continued. "It's true I thought he had gone crazy but then Tai's sister started talking to Arashi so I knew he had to be telling the truth," Koromon said. "I bet this all has something to do with Arashi being the Princess. It makes perfect sense that she'd have more abilities than the rest of us do, not to mention all of these unknown Digimon coming to her aid." Izzy said. "But then, if Arashi and Sora are actually close to where we are, why don't they come out and tell us? Is it because I yelled at Arashi?" T.K. asked. 

"No way there's nothing you could say that would drive her away." Patamon protested. "I told her I hated her because I thought she was lying to me," T.K. admitted. "T.K.-" "I'm sorry Matt I didn't mean to. I was just so sad because she had left and I still thought DemiDevimon was telling the truth so when she said that he was lying I yelled at her. That has to be why they aren't coming out, they're mad at me." T.K. began to cry as Matt comforted him. "It's not that T.K., maybe they just don't want to. Or even worse, maybe she just can't!" "That's right Arashi said that she had reasons for leaving and couldn't tell you," Patamon said as Matt looked at him suspiciously. "I may have eavesdropped on you back at the oasis," Patamon admitted as Matt began blushing a bit. "Oh, uh right." He said before shaking his head. 

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