Gatomon Comes Calling

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'Ahh, darkness, the perfect cloak for my evil. Ideal conditions for producing fear. Human blood always tastes better with a dash of fear in it.' Myotismon thought to himself as he sat in his carriage. His carriage slowly stalked a woman as she walked home alone on a road shrouded in an eerie fog. "What is that? A carriage?" She questioned as a bat suddenly flew across her field of vision causing her to scream. In the meantime, Myotismon's carriage had pulled up beside the woman as Myotismon stepped out. As if transfixed by his presence the woman smiled and leaned in for a kiss however Myotismon leaned to the side and latched his fangs onto the woman's neck. Myotismon soon rode off his carriage leaving the now unconscious woman lying on the ground with a mark on her neck.

"I hate this fog! Master, where are you? I'm getting mildew on my wings!"DemiDevimon exclaimed as he waited in the fog for his employer. "Aha! Finally! Sheesh, he couldn't take a cab like everyone else?" He exclaimed spotting the familiar carriage and flying towards it. "At last, I was starting to worry." DemiDevimon stated, bowing before Myotismon. "Calm down. I went out to have a bite to eat and to get familiar with the city. It is always so difficult to get a good meal when one is away from home." Myotismon replied with a smirk. "Yeah. Right. So what do we do next boss?" DemiDevimon questioned. "We are continuing the search for the ninth child. The details are of no concern to you." Myotismon replied. "Well, as I always say 'uh, whatever you say.'" DemiDevimon replied as he and the carriage flew onto a nearby boat.

"Come on, where did I put that thing?" Tai groaned the next morning as he searched his room. "Junk. Stuff. More junk. More stuff. Man, I was a messy kid. I can't believe how unorganized I was." Tai said as he opened and closed drawer after drawer. "Woah oh!" Tai exclaimed as he moved to grab a book off his shelf causing them to fall atop him and his partner. "Whatcha doing?" Kari asked walking into the room. Having finally gotten over her cold she now wore a pale yellow sleeveless shirt with two white buttons, a pale pink neckerchief, hot pink pants with white socks, and red and white sneakers complete with her whistle. "Looking for my old phonebook. It'll have exactly what I need." Tai groaned covered in books. "And I'm helping," Agumon replied shooting up out from under a pile.

"How come?" Kari asked walking in and closing the door to prevent their mother from overhearing. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Yuuko stood washing the dishes while listening to the ongoing news in the background. 'And now today's top story: The monsters that are plaguing the city. Still no official comment on where the creatures are from. We will keep you updated throughout the day.' The newscaster explained before clearing his throat. 'Meanwhile, in other news, health officials report young women all over the city are being hospitalized for anemia....' He continued as the Kamiya's doorbell rang. "Just a moment," Yuuko called setting down the plate in her hand and heading for the door. '...No one knows if the cases are connected, but doctors are voicing concern that so many seemingly healthy young women are being struck down so suddenly.' The newscaster continued in the background.

Yuuko opened the front to find an expectant Izzy waiting there for Tai. "Tai, it's your friend Izzy," Yuuko called before heading back to do the dishes. "Coming!" Tai called as he began sneaking Agumon out of the house behind his back. Unfortunately, Agumon tripped suddenly causing the two to panic before dashing outside, leaving Kari standing in their spot with an uncomfortable giggle.

"Hey." Tai greeted opening the door. "Hey, ready to go? Agumon you Digivolved!" Izzy gasped. "You bet! All I needed was a good meal." Agumon replied. "Psst! It's me." Tentomon stated walking over in a parka and baseball cap. "Tentomon. Nice disguise, dude." Tai chuckled. "Thanks, Tai. I put it together myself." Tentomon bowed. "Wait til Mimi sees you." Tai joked. "Tai, I need one, too," Agumon stated as Tai turned to him. "Yeah, any ideas?" Tai asked as Agumon nodded. It didn't take long for the boys to make their way down the street with the not-so-disguised partners, Agumon having decided upon a simple black hoodie. "Yeah, real inconspicuous," Tai remarked as they made their way to the park. "So, Tai, did you find your address book from school?" Izzy questioned a moment later.

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