The Prisoner of the Pyramid

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We were all huddled around a large box with black wires running through it as Izzy opened his laptop. "What is it Izzy? Some sort of power generator?" "Even better Etemon has hard-wired the entire desert creating an extensive computer network. My guess, this is one of his remote data access terminals." Izzy told Tai who clapped his hands. "Great let's crash it." "It could be a booby trap." Sora warned Tai. "If it is Etemon's I say we cross the wires and mess it up good." "I say we hack in and delete the whole program." Matt and I said. "Can you really do that?" Sora asked as I shrugged. I turned to find the digicode but frowned when I found none. "It must be a dark digicode. I can't see that kind." I said shaking my head. At the same time Izzy connected his laptop to the box. 

"What are you doing now." "It's entirely possible that our computers have compatible systems and if they do I can tap into Etemon's network." Izzy explained as he Hagen typing away. "Hey, you have mail." T.K. stated. "That was quick who even knows I've logged on?" Izzy asked. "On no, it's Etemon." Joe said, starting to panic. "Open it, it's probably just spam." Tai told him. "Right." Izzy agreed as he opened it. "Help me! S. O. S. Mayday! I am currently being held prisoner, help me and I'll guide you to the Crests you seek!" A robotic voice said through the computer. "Do you think he's for real? I mean who could it be?" Sora asked.

"What do you mean the systems down? I don't want any excuses. I want those stinking kids located now!" Etemon yelled in his trailer. "Yes oh, mighty Etemon sir. Your majestic Royal one." "The problem is we got a glitch in the pyramid home computer." The Gazimon told him. "Datamon." Etemon growled. "Get me there in a hurry you floppy-eared little freaks. Let's roll." Etemon told the Gazimon as the trailer took off across the sand.

"Oh, I don't like this! I don't like it one little bit. I don't like the look of it, I don't like the smell of it, I don't like the- " "Don't have a brain cramp, Joe. You're turning green around the edges." Mimi told Joe as he panicked. We had moved on from the power box and were now walking in a canyon-like area. Izzy was currently using his computer to guide us toward the distress call. "Yeah somebody asked for our help we got to at least check it out, right?" "According to my laptop we should be getting close." Tai and Izzy said. Sora, T.K., and I all held our Crests out waiting for a glow. "Hey look!" "It's glowing!" T.K. and Matt said as his began to glow yellow. "Hey T.K. over here look what I found!" Tokomon said, running over to the left. "It's another crest!" I pointed out.

This crest resembled a shooting star going up. We all ran over to it and I tapped the center as it glowed extremely bright. We all groaned and looked away as the crest danced around me then floated into T.K.'s tag. "Awesome! My own crest!" T.K. cheered. "Congratulations." Tokomon told him. "Now T.K. don't think this'll mean you can stay up any later." Matt told him. "Don't worry I'll convince him later," I whispered to T.K. as he giggled. "Sora and Arashi's Crests are the only ones left to find maybe if we rescue this guys he can lead us to them." Izzy said. "Well what are we waiting for? Ta dadada ta daaa!" Tai cheered. "Okay Scrappy Doo." I said as Mimi gasped. "Oh. What's that?" She asked as we all turned to see a cave with strange writing all over the walls and ceiling. 

"See these hieroglyphs? Look familiar? This is definitely the same writing we've come across before. Wait a second... this is a new one." Izzy said comparing the hieroglyphs to the ones from the factory. "Hey this looks like digicode!" I said walking over to the symbol pointed out. "Most of the time when I hit the one that looks like this everything lights up." I said wiping my hand over the symbol. Everyone gasped as the entire cave lit up. "Prodigious this is amazing. Do you know what I'm thinking?" Izzy asked. "I have a feeling you're gonna tell us." Mimi replied. "You see it's quite possible that these hieroglyphs are not a form of writing at all. But rather code, computer code, like the digicode. You change a piece of the code then you change the program." Izzy explained typing at his computer for a second as a screen with a map on it appeared in the middle of the cave. 

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