The Legend of the Digidestined and The Princess of Harmony

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T.K. held Patamon and Arashi held Morphomon and they all smiled at one another. "Hey! Let's play a game with the baby Digimon!" T.K. said and they all nodded. On the cliff above stands Leomon, corrupted by the black gears. "I'm obliged to obey your command, Devimon." He ripped his sword from its sheath. All the baby Digimon in front of T.K. and Patamon had scared faces. Arashi and Morphomon walked over confused. "Okay, so you don't wanna play any games." T.K. said as Patamon turned his head. "Leomon's come back!" "Huh?" T.K. Morphomon and Arashi turned and saw Leomon, who ran down the cliff side with sword in hand. "Boom Bubble!" "Shimmering Scales!"

Leomon was hit and stopped on the wall as the attacks stunned him. "We gotta get outta here!" Patamon said as Arashi grabbed T.K. and Morphomon. "Let's go." She said as they all turned and ran. Leomon walked through the trees searching for his prey while T.K. Arashi Morphomon and Patamon hid behind a tree at the edge of the forest. T.K. covering his head with his hands as Arashi stood pressed flat against it. "He's scary." T.K. whimpered. "Leomon was always a good Digimon, I just wish we could get rid of the black gear that's causing him to be so mean." Patamon told T.K. "That's easier said than done!" Arashi told them. She peeked out from beside the tree and saw Leomon looking from side to side in the other direction.

"He's just way too big!" Morphomon said as a familiar voice snarled "Hello, you've got company!" They glanced around and saw Ogremon holding a squirming Poyomon between his fingers. It was obvious from the way they were hiding that he couldn't see them. "You're a couple of nice kids, aren't ya? Get your hide out here so I can get a good look at ya! 'Cause if you don't your little friend here's gonna squeak his last squeak." Ogremon called to them. "Patamon, we gotta save 'em!" T.K. told his partner. 'Poor Leomon, I know he wouldn't attack us if that stupid black gear didn't have him under an evil spell! He'd come over to our side if we could only figure out a way to help him.' Patamon thought as Ogremon waited for their reaction. 

'I gotta protect T.K. from Ogremon! But he's so big and I'm not...' Patamon told himself. Leomon growled and slashed at the tree behind the group. The tree fell to the ground as Arashi ducked forward to dodge it and turned back to face Leomon. "T.K!" she and Patamon exclaimed as Leomon brandished his sword at the small boy. "Morphomon Digivolve to Hudiemon." Hudiemon grabbed onto Leomon and flung him out of the forest. "Alright Hudiemon!" T.K. cheered as Arashi grabbed his hand and lead him and Patamon out of the forest. "Infinity Dream!" Hudiemon called stunning Leomon with her scales. Hudiemon flew up high and slammed her foot into his chest causing the lion Digimon to fall on his back.

"You will not stand in my way!" Leomon said as Ogremons club bashed into Hudiemons back sending her into a tree. "Hey, two on one's not fair." Patamon said. "Yeah well, bad guys don't fight fair." Arashi told him as Leomon jumped at them. "Bad Kitty!" Arashi said pointing her digivice at him. Leomon flinched from the light and growled as Ogremons club knocked it out of Arashi's hand. "Will you quit it!" Arashi yelled at the ogre who just stuck his tongue out at her. "You can't stop me, I've been commanded by my master to take the Digidestined and the Princess!" He raised his sword and Arashi pushed T.K. behind her. "Howling Blaster!" A blue energy beam is shot from the trees causing Leomon to jump away from the kids. Matt and Garurumon jump out of the forest. 

"T.K." Matt yelled as Arashi and T.K. smiled. "You came in time!" T.K. cheered. Matt and Garurumon stopped in front of the stump left of them and Matt jumped down and run to T.K.. "That was close!" He said as the other nodded. "It's good to see you again." Arashi admitted huggin him. "Y-yeah it's good to see you too." Matt stammered startled by her random hug. They broke apart as Leomon pounced out of nowhere. "What did Arashi tell you before?" Hudiemon ased tackling the lion as the two Digimon rolled away. "You are a bad kitty." She finished as Arashi cheered. "That's my girl!" Leomon shoved her off and Garurumon jumped up and blasted at Leomon who held his sword out to block it. "Now you've done it, this little guy's gonna get squished!" Ogremon growled as Arashi glared at him. 

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