Partner's Divided?!

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 "It's darker than I thought it would be." Meicoomon whimpered after a bit. "It'll be alright don't worry." Gatomon soothed her. "So how did you two meet?" I asked. "That none of your-" "We've been together for as long as we can remember." Meicoomon said cutting off Gatomon who I could tell wasn't too crazy about me. "That's cute, you guys must be close." I said squinting as I led us through the fog. I say led us when I actually mean stumbled blindly through but made sure the stumbling was unnoticed. "So, who are we looking for in here?" Meicoomon asked after a few minutes. "My friends, we all got separated in here and luckily Hudiemon got me out but I don't think the others got away." I replied. "How do you expect to find them just walking shouldn't you be calling for them?" Gatomon asked in a matter of fact tone. "Earlier their voices just kinda cut off so I don't think it'll help much." I replied trying to not get annoyed. "Well then what's your plan to find them?" she asked.

"Surely you don't just plan to walk around here like an idiot looking for them." Gatomon continued and I stammered for a response. "Well... I uh, you see that might... was actually..." I might as well have been in a cartoon with an arrow pointed at me saying 'That was the plan.' Suddenly there was a fluttering and chirping sound as I felt something slice at my cheek. "Hey, watch it!" "Ouch!" Gatomon and Meicoomon cried from behind me as I began to feel more nicks and slices along my body. "Get off!" Gatomon cried letting go of my hand as I felt something land in my hair and I grabbed it quickly. It bit my hand and I yelped letting it go, but I figured out what it was even if I had only held it for a few moments. "Bats." I said aloud ducking a few more. It was hard enough to see them in the fog but I could barely sense them with the hairs on the back on my neck.

"Meicoomon, Gatomon!" I called turning around. They had let go of my hand to try and protect themselves from the bats. "Arashi!" Meicoomon replied. I knew they were still behind me but I couldn't see them so I prayed hard as my crest began to glow and a small fire caught in my right hand. "Stay where you are, I'll find you." I said moving my hand around the fog when I found a stick on a large rock nearby. "Convenient." I said picking it up and moving the fire onto it. I stood back up and noticed the bats seemed to back away when I moved the fire towards them. "Okay, this shouldn't be too bad then." I told myself. "Gatomon! Meicoomon!" I called walking a bit. "Arashi!" I heard Meicoomon call from over to the right of me. 'Odd I could've sworn they were right behind me.' I thought to myself walking that way. "Meicoomon!" I called again. "Arashi!" this time it was Gatomon's voice and it came from behind me. "What th-" "Arashi!" T.K.'s voice called from somewhere in front of me. "Arashi!" Tentomon's voice was next. "RaRa!" Mimi's soon followed.

'The fog is tricking us by taking the sounds of our voices.' I realized as I began backing up. 'Think Arashi, think! What do you do?' I asked myself when I tripped over something and fell backwards. "Watch it!" a familiar voice said as I glanced to see Gatomon glaring at me from under my legs. "Gatomon! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, getting off of her. "Yeah, yeah, just be more careful next time." she replied. "How'd you start that fire?" she asked and I scratched my cheek. "Princess secret?" I chuckled, she glared at me and opened her mouth to say something when. "Arashi! Gatomon! Help!" Meicoomon's voice came from somewhere to the left of us. "Mei!" Gatomon cried running off. "Wait!" I called chasing after her but she was too far ahead for me to tell where she had gone. "Well, well looks like someone's in trouble." A familiar voice said, stopping me in my tracks. "Well? Aren't you going to say something?" LadyDevimon X asked, hovering over to me.

"I uh... I'm sorry." I said as Volée sneered at me. "Oh are you? Or are you only saying that because you need me?" LadyDevimon X questioned. "No-" "Oh really so you aren't afraid of me?" She asked as my throat went dry. "It's... complicated..." "Exactly, you think I'm a monster, like SkullGreymon was." she stated looking away although she had a glare on her face her eyes looked hurt. Something inside me broke in that moment, the thing that had stirred inside me when my partner digivolved into her newest form, the thing that had been planted long before that when DemiDevimon first told Sora and I about our crests, my fear. My fear that I had caused a dark digivolution like Tai had, the fear that LadyDevimon X was evil like Devimon was, all of it vanished. 'Oh god, I've been an awful person haven't I?' I asked myself. 'She's still my partner no matter what she looks like, she still protected me and in return I was a coward. I have to make this right.'

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