Under Pressure

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"You're finished, you upstart! Digi-Destined! In a word, you're sunk!" MetalSeadramon cackles as something appears under the water beneath the kids. "Huh? Who is that?" MetalSeadramon asked as a familiar figure shot out of the water and rammed towards MetalSeadramon. "It's Whamon!" Tai cheered watching as MetalSeadramon was knocked down by the friendly giant. "Come on, everybody. I never thought I'd want to be fish food, but we'll be safe in here." Tai cheered as Whamon caught the kids in his mouth. "Technically, it's a mammal!" Izzy corrected as Whamon closed his mouth before diving deep underwater, escaping MetalSeadramon. "Yah! You escaped this time, but you've escaped for the last time." MetalSeadramon called as he resurfaced.

"Why did Whamon stick his spout in my business and save the Digidestined?" He muttered as a group of Digimon appeared from behind him. They were blue and white Sea Animal Digimon, clothed in wetsuits with underwater mobility motors on their backs. "What are you doing here, Divermon?" MetalSeadramon asked, noting their presence. "We just came up for a little air." They replied. 'Those Divermon. If it wasn't for their Striking Fish attack, they'd be useless to me. No matter. Wherever those kids try to hide, I'll find them.' MetalSeadramon told himself cockily before addressing the Divermon. "I rule this ocean with an iron hand, an iron tail, and an iron everything for that matter. I'll catch them even with Whamon on their side. Well, don't just sit there treading water, I told you to go find those kids!" He shouted. "Aye aye, sir!" The Divermon replied before setting out.

In a different part of the ocean, Whamon cruised along carrying the Digidestined atop his back. "Suffocated by sand, then almost drowned..." Arashi muttered as she stifled a few coughs. "Yeah, thankfully Whamon got us out of there." Sora smiled as Tai nodded. "Thanks for saving us, Whamon." Tai smiled "Aw, don't mention it. No, seriously, don't mention it. I don't want it to get around." Whamon told them. "Hey, guys, we still have a problem. How are we going to be able to defeat the Dark Masters?" Matt questioned. "I wonder how they took over the Digital World in the first place. Do you remember, Whamon?" Sora questioned. "Of course, I remember Whamon. Big fella, snappy dresser." Whamon begins. "Whamon..." Arashi sighs. "Oh. You mean the Dark Masters. I don't know all the details, but soon after the Digital World began to warp, MetalSeadramon began to take over the ocean." Whamon explained.

"Darn!" Tai exclaims, slamming his fist down, forgetting he's on Whamon's back. "Ow." Whamon comments. "Oh, uh, sorry, Whamon," Tai says sheepishly. "Tai, don't get upset. We'll fix things." Kari assures him with a hug. "You're right. We'll do it. We've done it before, haven't we?" Tai asks, turning to the others. "Yeah!" They all cheer. "That's the attitude. I'll find a safe place for you, outside of Metalseadramon's reach. Even if I have to swim to the far corners of the ocean. By the way, did I mention I charge by the mile?" Whamon jokes. Under the water not so far off the Divermon were happily terrorizing all the smaller creatures as they searched for the Digidestined. At the same time the Digidestined relaxed in an alcove, fishing for a meal, Tai and Joe manning the fishing poles as Matt provided music with his harmonica.

"Cats land on their feet~, but we still need to eat~ It's Gatomon's wish~, for some fresh flying fish~ 'Cause I'm a kitty~, a Digi-kitty~" Gatomon sang along with the music before leaping into the air and cutting down a fish. "Oh!" The others gasped, startled by the efficiency and precision of the cuts. "Oh, yeah~" Gatomon finished landing back on her feet. "That's great, Gatomon, but the rest of us have to eat, too." Palmon complimented before psyching herself up. "Stand aside and watch how a pro does it. Poison Ivy!" Palmon called sending her vines into the ocean and capturing a massive fish. "Dinner's served," Palmon commented as the fish landed atop her. "We'll save you," Morphomon commented as she and Meicoomon began prying the fish off the dazed plant Digimon.

A few moments later Matt stopped playing his harmonica and stared out at the ocean. "Why'd you stop playing, Matt?" Tai questioned. "Aw, that song is just too depressing. It always gives me the blues." Matt replied as Tai sighed. "Besides, I can't stop thinking about the Dark Masters. They're different than any Digimon we've ever faced before." Matt admitted as Izzy walked over with Arashi and Tentomon at his side. "Well, I've analyzed the situation and along with some helpful insights from Arashi, I believe we can defeat them with WarGreymon," Izzy explained. "Huh?" Matt and Tai gasped. "He's a Dramon destroyer," Izzy commented. "Dramon destroyer?" Matt asked. "Try speaking normally," Tai added as Arashi clapped. "And that's why I'm here." She smiled.

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