Evil Shows His Face

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The four sat there for a moment as Tai, Arashi, and Sora stared off into the distance while Joe sank to his knees. "This place could use a really good bus system." Joe sighed. "Yeah but it looks like we'reat the end of the line." A familiar voice came from behind them. "Oh, Matt!" Arashi said happily as she and Tai turned around to see the others had arrived. "We're doomed..." Joe groaned as the two turned back to him. "Trapped on an island... We'll never get out of here alive. I knew I wouldn't like camp but would my folks listen to me? Nooo, and I wanted to go to summer school." Joe sighed.

A large half man half lion Digimon, walking on two legs with a sword on his back, turned as he heard a familiar whooshing sound approach. A black gear flew by him as he walked up another part of Infinity Mountain. "Another black gear." He growled before continuing to climb up a mountain. "I sense danger." He murmured as a large green ogre looking Digimon pounced on him. "Pummel Whack!" He yelled. The lion Digimon turened to see the ogre call to him. "Leomon, you may be strong but now you face me your kind-hearted leadership is unimpressive." The ogre yelled swinging a large bone at the lion.

"Ogremon, you are truly the most evil of the bad Digimon! There is no limit to your ruthlessness!" The lion Digimon, Leomon, replied raising his sword. Sword met bone as Leomon and Ogremon locked weapons. Afte a few clashed both weapons fly out of their owner's hands. "No one asked you here. No one wants you here. I strongly suggest that you go now, while you still can!" Ogremon glowered. "The endless attack of black gears which keep dropping from this mountain is transforming perfectly peaceful, innocent Digimon into monsters, and I have come here to make it stop!" Leomon replied. "What a joke! You have been warned!" Ogremon snarled at him.

The two shot energy balls at eachother, Ogremon's purple and Leomon's orange. The contact of blasts caused the rock formations around them to crumble. A new voice, much deeper than either of the sparring Digimon, emanates. from afar. "Both of you, stop! Cease this foolishness! I command that the two of you work together for me, not fight. You will work for me." The voice bellowed. "I'll never do that!" "Neither will I!" Lea mom and Ogremon agree in tandem. The owner of the voice floated into view before them. He was fully-clad in black leather, with large arms and wings, and two long horns.

"Be silent! For I am Devimon, ultimate ruler of the demon underworld! You must obey my every command!" The owner of the voice, Devimom, told them. "Sir, you don't need that joker. I can handle whatever you want done without anyone's assistance!" Ogremon said bowing. "I think not. It is the digi-destined kids we'll be fighting." Devimom replied. "The digi-destined? Where are they?" Leomon asked surprised. "They're already here, on Infinity Mountain. Now find them and destroy the entire group!" "Destroy them? I'll destroy you for having threatened the digi-destined! Fist of the Beast King!" Leomon yelled firing his orange energy ball.

The energy looked like a lion's head towards Devimon. Unfortunately the blast went straight through him as he warpex away. "Please, Leomon. I am not requesting your co-operation, I am demanding it! Prepare for the Touch of Evil!" Devimom bellowed. Devimon's clawed hand latched onto Leomon's back, filling him with dark energy. Leomon roared in pain as he tried to fight the dark energy. "Now you will obey my every command!" Devimom said releasing Leomon. Leomon spoke in a soulless voice, his eyes pupil was and his body straight like a soldiers

"Yes...I will obey..."

On Infinity Mountain, Tai sat looking out of his telescope while drawing on some paper. "Hmm." "What'cha doing?" Agumon asked his partner. "Making a map of the island. That way we'll know exactly where we are and where we've already been." Tai repleid "Yes, that works in theory." Izzy said walking over to examine the map. He looked down at Tai's map. To see it covered in squiggles that are unreadable. "What? Did you say map or mess?" Izzy asked. "I'm assuming he said mess." Arashi snorted as she Matt and Sora stared at it as well. "No questions, man, you are the dude of doodles." Matt joked. "If you follow that map it'll lead right to a headache." Sora sighed. "Well I can read it just fine and that's all that's really important!" Tai snapped at them.

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