No Questions, Please

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Now in one direction awaited a pink cowgirl hat-wearing girl in a castle, the other a knowledge-loving boy with a knack for technology. Unfortunately, the boy had lost his own curiosity but let's back up so you know how. "We've been trying to find Gennai for over two months got any ideas Tentomon? We're walking in circles." Izzy sighed to his partner. "We could walk in squares, but that's not likely to work either Let's take a breather and wait for him to come to us." Tentomon replied as Izzy turned to him. "I'd prefer a more scientific approach to this problem." "Even scientists need to take a break." "There's no time to rest, so stop asking." Izzy told Tentomon who groaned. "I'm absolutely certain he's around here somewhere." "I hope so for my feet's sake." Tentomon replied.

DemiDevimon waited a little ways up the path hopping on a sign. "This better work, I hate it when Myotismon gets angry." He sighed thinking back to it.

"DemiDevimon!" "Nice day huh boss?" The bay Digimon relied as a portal opened up in front of him. "I'm still waiting for you to steal the Crests and Princess from those kids." Myotismon stated. "I've got a sure fire way to get them." "I've heard that one before." "Would this cute little face tell a fib, boss? After all you're Myotismon I'd be out of my head to make you mad." "I'll give you one more chance," DemiDevimon sighed in relief at those words. "but I won't be so benevolent the next time. Do you understand?" The portal closed as DemiDevimon replied. "Loud and clear!" He stated.

"If I don't steal those Crests he's going to rake me over the coals. Wah." He cried as the sign snapped under his weight. He opened his eyes to see Tentomon and Izzy approaching. "Uh oh I've got to hit it." He stated flying behind some rocks. "I'm curious to know why Gennai is so secretive. I want to discuss the merits of the Crests with him." Izzy said pulling his out. In the meantime DemiDevimon took a small Polaroid camera and took a picture. "I like that about you Izzy. You have a never-ending thirst for information. It's amazing your brain doesn't explode with all that knowledge." Tnetomon told his partner. "There are a lot more things I can learn." "How much room do you have left in your brain?" "As much as I need." Izzy replied putting his crest away. "I wonder where Gennai could be. With all my knowledge I still can't find him." Izzy sighed.

 "Look, Izzy, a sign." Tentomon said running over to the broken string. "You mean from above?" "No here on the ground." Tentomon replied as Izzy read it aloud. "How bizarre. It says, beware of falling sludge." "Uh oh this could get real ugly." Tentomon said imagining a pile of pink digisludge covering them. "Please tell this was just a dream. I say we go anyway but this way." Tentomon said shaking his head. "Yeah, oh no there's another sign up ahead." Izzy stated as they turned the other way. "Bottomless sludge pit not a very pleasant experience." Izzy said as Tentomon imagined it once again. "Oh, I feel like I've been flushed. I hope I never see another sign as long as I live." "Me too." The two turned in another direction and gasped in fright. "Attack sludge? Impossible." Izzy said as Tentomon imagined a picture in his head. 

"How embarrassing attacked by an attack sludge." "There doesn't appear to be any other place for us to go." "We're surrounded by sludge." Tentomon said as the ground beneath them began to crack. The two screamed as they fell into a deep dark hole. "Perfect! I got them, they don't have a chance!" DemiDevimon laughed as he flew around the pit. "There's no bottom to this pit." Izzy said as he began to float down. "Well, that could work in our favor, it's a lot easier on your head that way if you ask me." "Unfortunately that's impossible." "If we fall any further we'll be in-" "A very unpleasant place." A voice cutting Tentomon off as the two screamed. "That's not good!" "Hey, who said that?" Tentomon tried to fly out as Izzy grabbed him when suddenly gravity increased and the plummeted. 

"Does anybody need a lift?" The voice asked as the floated up on pool floaties. "Hey what are these?" "I have temporarily given you a life raft. You see all those who are greedy fall into the pit." The voice told Izzy. "I'm not sure I comprehend what you're re saying. What are you accusing us of being greedy for?" "Wanting to know to much of course, sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong." "What could possibly be wrong with wanting to gain knowledge and information?" "See you're doing it again. You can't seem to stop yourself. You're headed straight for the pit if you don't learn to control yourself." "How come?" Izzy asked. "You don't even know that you're doing it!" "I don't?" "It's like a disease with you. Oh well nice knowing you." The voice said as Izzy's duck floaty exploded. 

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