The Birth of Greymon and Hudiemon

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I heard screams from all around me as we got closer to the water. I was holding onto Morphomon and T.K. so I was first to hit the water. The water hit me so hard I immediately got knocked out.

"Fish Bed!" Gomamon yelled as a raft of fish appeared catching everyone. "Hey wait!" Sora yelled as she and Mimi climbed aboard the fish raft. "Where are the others?" Tai asked as they coughed up water. "They're probably in the water," Izzy replied Just then Morphomon and T.K. burst out of the water and climbed onto the raft. "Wait guys where's Arashi?" Sora asked looking around. "She hit the water super hard. She must've got knocked out." T.K. said coughing water. "I'm going back in." Sora said going to jump. "I got her!" Matt yelled jumping into the water. The river was deeper than he expected it to be but he spotted Arashi fairly quickly. He tried to swim to her but couldn't and he needed to get back up for air. He took a deep breath and went back down, Arashi had drifted further down the river. Being pushed by the current Arashi kept going about Matt couldn't quite catch up. He swam back to the surface and swam back to the raft. "I couldn't get her!" He yelled as the others helped get him back on the raft. "Don't worry she'll probably wash up on the ocean shore," Izzy explained. Just then the cliff fell off behind them and a huge wave pushed the fish raft forward.

Everyone was swept onto a nearby sand back and they all caught their breath. "I knew we'd be okay. I wasn't worried." Matt said. "What was that a floating fish market?" Joe asked Gomamon. " Lucky for us those fish were having a school reunion. Just kidding those fish are good friends of mine and I just asked them for a lift." Gomamon told him.  "A-and all these years I thought I was allergic to sea-food. Thank you! Uh I'm guessing it's not Bukamon?" Joe asked. "Gomamon now." "Gomamon'' Joe corrected himself. "And I'm guessing you're not Tokomon anymore either." T.K. said to Patamon. "No I'm Patamon." He replied. "It's all because we digivolved." Agumon said. "I don't think that word's in my dictionary." Tai said. "So digivolving is what happens when they advance to the next level and become stronger than they were before." Izzy said. "Right i went from Motimon to Tentomon." Tentomon said. "Like how I digivolved into Morphomon from Wanyamon ." Morphomon explained "I digivolved from Yokomon to Biyomon '' Biyomon told Sora. "First I was Tsunomon the Gabumon'' Gabumon told Matt. "And I changed from Tanemon to Palmon." Palmon told Mimi. "And me I was Koromon I digivolved into Agumon." Agumon said.

"When you digivolved you certainly got way bigger." Tai said. "Does tia mean you're something else now or are you  still Digimon?" He asked. "Digimon but I needed your help Tai." "Me for what?" Tai asked. "You see, digivolving is a very difficult process." Morphomon said. "And in order to be successful I had to share your energy." Agumon said. "Really?" Tai asked. "I guess you guys don't run on batteries." Sora said to Biyomon. "Sure don't." She replied. "But how do you access my energy?" Izzy asked Tentomon. "Even we don't know everything," he replied. "Thanks for giving me magical powers." Palmon said to Mimi twirling with Morphomon. " The whole thing makes my head spiny." Mimi sighed. "So I helped you change that is so cool. " T.K. said to Patamon. "Yep sure is" he replied. "My folks warned me about strangers," Joe said. "I'm not a stranger Joe, I'm your friend for life." Gomamon told him. "Okay come on what are we gonna do?" Matt asked. "Why don't we use our cellphones?" Joe asked. "Don't work, they all got soaked, they need to dry out first." Izzy told him. "Even if we could call the police or something what would we say?" Sora  asked. "We don't even know where we are." Tai said. "But we know where we started on the mountain." Sora said.

"I say we forget about going back and explore around here." Matt said. "I'm not exploring anywhere. I say we stay right where we are." Joe said. "Yeah let's wait for that giant bug to come get us. We need to find a road leading out of here" Matt told him "But without a compass we don't even know which way is North." Izzy said. "You know if we could get back to where we were before we might at least find some clues as to why we are her in this place." Sora said. "Wait, are there more monsters around like the big flying beetle?" Mimi asked. "Yes indeed." Palmon told her as she named a bleck noise. "Those monsters don't scare me." Matt said. "Are there humans?" Tai asked. "Humans? Others like you?" Agumon replied. Tai nodded. "You're the first ever. There's never been anything but Digimon." Agumon told us. "Okay so you're all Digimon but what about these monsters? They're all Digimon too." Tai said "It's creepy and dangerous and weird what happens when it gets dark? " Sora asked. "Who says it ever gets dark here." Matt said. "That phenomenon would be unnatural." Izzy said. "And you call this natural?" Joe asked. "Well we're not gonna find out anything by standing around here." Tai said as he started walking. "Hey where do you think you're going?" Matt asked. "Up on the cliff that's where I saw the ocean." Tai said. "The ocean?" Matt asked.

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