Chapter Thirty one

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Short chapter

Damien Kingston

As I stood in the room, surrounded by shattered glass and the remnants of our violent confrontation, an eerie silence settled among us. 

A sense of resignation hung in the air as Ares, Adonis, and I began the arduous task of cleaning up the mess we had created. Each of us silently moved about, picking up fragments and sweeping away the debris.

Adonis attempted to lighten the mood with his usual banter. "Hey, guys, what's the difference between a broom and a vacuum cleaner? The vacuum cleaner doesn't need a handle... or maybe it's just me," he quipped, his attempt at humor falling flat against the solemn backdrop.

No one responded to his jest, and the silence persisted, broken only by the sound of glass crunching beneath our feet. 

We each wore our own masks of contemplation and regret, lost in our thoughts as we worked to restore order to the chaotic room.

As I scrubbed a stubborn stain off the floor, memories of the recent fight replayed in my mind. The anger and frustration that had consumed us seemed distant now, replaced by a somber realization of the damage caused.

Adonis, undeterred by the lack of reaction to his humor, pressed on with another feeble attempt at levity. "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!" he chuckled, his laughter echoing weakly against the walls.

Still, no one acknowledged his joke. Instead, our focus remained on the task at hand, our individual thoughts and emotions swirling beneath the surface

Ares was folding the clothes back into the laundry basket, blood dripping from his nose. 

As Ares and I continued to clean the room, the weight of our recent clash heavy in the air, an unspoken understanding passed between us. The shattered glass and scattered debris mirrored the brokenness within our hearts. It was time to mend not just the physical mess but also the fractured bond between us.

"I'm sorry."

"No reason to be, shouldn't have riled you up."

You know, Ares, it's still so hard for me to accept that Maria is gone. I miss her every single day. It feels like a part of me is missing, and I can't fathom a world without her," I admitted, my voice tinged with a mixture of pain and disbelief.

Ares paused in his cleaning, his expression softening.

"You really loved her..."

"She was a my Alex."

Grief, an unwelcome companion, enveloped me like a suffocating shroud. It was an unpredictable journey, with waves of sadness crashing over me when I least expected it. The pain was raw and relentless, a constant reminder of the void that Maria's absence had created in my life.

Yet, amidst the pain, there were flickers of her spirit that lingered, gently reminding me of the love we shared. In those moments, I found solace, knowing that her memory would forever be etched in my heart.

But as I stood in that room, cleaning up the aftermath of our fight, I couldn't help but long for Maria's presence, her guiding wisdom, and her ability to bring peace to even the stormiest of situations. Her absence was a void that could never be filled, leaving me grappling with an ache that words alone could not soothe.

"Daddy," Amelia's voice whispered from behind the door, and my heart skipped a beat. How did she manage to open it? "Jayson is gone..." I thought Alexandra had locked it. Without wasting a moment, I rushed out of the room and into the guest room, my anxiety mounting with each step.

As I entered, a chill ran down my spine. The window stood wide open, inviting a cool breeze that danced through the room. Panic swelled within me as my eyes darted around, searching for any sign of Jayson. Then, I noticed it—a folded letter, left deliberately on the bed.

With trembling hands, I reached out and snatched the letter, my heart pounding in my chest. Ares and Adonis followed close behind, their expressions mirroring my growing concern. The room felt suffocating, a sense of foreboding hanging in the air.

I carefully unfolded the letter, my eyes scanning the words hastily scrawled upon the page. Each line heightened the tension in the room, fueling the fear that gripped my soul. The contents of the letter revealed Jayson's intention to leave, his reasons unknown to us.

"Daddy, what does it say?" Amelia's voice trembled as she clutched onto my arm, her eyes filled with worry.

Check under the bed. 

I drop the letter and crouch down to see a black suitcase beneath the bed, I slide it out and settle it onto the mattress. 

"Kingston." Ares speaks.

I flick the suitcase open, and a laptop lays in front of me with a letter on top of it. I open the letter and see recognisable handwriting;

It's all a plan.

Open the laptop.

With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, I gingerly open the laptop, clutching the hard drive tightly in my hand. 

Ares and Adonis stand beside me, their expressions a mirror of confusion and curiosity. As the screen flickers to life, I can sense the weight of the unknown about to be unveiled.

A surge of adrenaline courses through my veins as I navigate through the laptop's interface, my eyes scanning the screen intently. And then, I find it—a peculiar tab that beckons me with an inexplicable sense of urgency. Without hesitation, I click on it, and what materializes before my eyes is nothing short of shocking.

The room seems to spin around me as the revelations unfold. The images, the documents, the hidden truths laid bare—all pointing towards a sinister web of deception and betrayal. 

My mind races, desperately trying to piece together the puzzle, while a nagging voice inside me warns of imminent danger.

In that unsettling moment, my instincts take over. A voice deep within compels me to protect those I hold dear. With a determined gaze, I meet Ares' questioning eyes, and the words slip out, laden with urgency and a touch of unease.

"Get out of the room," I command, my voice laced with an urgency they can't ignore. 

Ares raises an eyebrow, momentarily perplexed by my sudden directive, but the intensity in my eyes urges him to comply. Something is amiss—something dangerous lurks in the shadows, and I cannot take any chances.

Ares nods, a flicker of concern crossing his features. He understands the gravity of the situation, the unspoken danger that hangs in the air. Without hesitation, he takes Amelia's hand, her innocence a stark contrast to the murky reality unfolding before us, and leads her out of the room along with Adonis. 

The laptop screen illuminates my shocked expression as I scroll through the chilling collection of images. Each photograph represents a life extinguished, a person snuffed out by Maria's deadly hand. 

But amidst the sea of faces, I freeze as my heart plummets into my stomach.

 There it is—my own image, accompanied by the stark details of my existence.

It was all a plan. 

And I was the last puzzle of the piece. 

I slowly glance up, and there she was-with a gun aimed at me. 

"Hello Kingston."

The End.


And that's a wrap people! Remember the first chapter, Maria warned you guys...right from the beginning...

I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did writing it! 

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