Chapter Eight

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Interrogation is such an unpleasant thing, all you had to do was ask nicely and I'd have given you anything you needed

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Interrogation is such an unpleasant thing, all you had to do was ask nicely and I'd have given you anything you needed. Your idea of interrogation is so stupid. If you talked to me as if I matter, as if you regard me as equally intelligent and sentient, you'd have both your answers and an ally.

As it is, you have neither and I have an entirely better grasp on what and who you are.

Agent Carter slams his hands against the table, almost as if he was trying to prove his power by hurting himself. "Where is the hard drive Diaz!" Agent carter shouts at me, I lean back into my chair unprovoked. 

Beside him sat Kingston with folded arms, Agent Carter settles back down and flicks through my files. "You're making this harder than it should be Diaz."

"Am I really?" I whisper out, "or is it annoying you that I know my rights? The right to no say anything-I want my lawyer."

"You want a lawyer? Well we did try to call your lawyer but they Aren't answering." That stupid fucking lawyer, I knew I should've gotten a new one. 

"Okay then, I'll represent myself." 

"Where is it?"

I shrug my shoulders and look away, my wrist was shackled against the metal table while I sat in the room.

"Leave her." Kingston says. 

"Leave her? She has the fucking drive."

The door bursts open, and an unidentified man enter, wearing a loose suit that barely fit, his shirts unbuttoned, and a cup of coffee in hand. He saunter over, Agent Carter stands up and offers his seat but Kingston stayed seated.

"Well, is it not a pleasure to put a face to the name." I look down at his badge, Andrew. Kingston however caught my eye accidentally, I was trying to ignore him but how could I? The tight black shirt that wrapped around those tense muscle of his, revealing the sleeved arm tattoos that is inked up towards his neck.

His hair falling precisely down his brow, pitch brown as if it were made of damp inked linen. His skin was a caramel colour, smooth and velvety. The moment his eyes latched onto mine.

"Took you a couple of tries?" I smile brightly.

"Don't be smart Diaz." Carter growls at me from the corner.

"You stand in the corner like a good boy and let the adults handle this." I point at him, his eyes widen but Andrew raises his hands in a way to silence him before he could say anything. 

Until I saw those eyes, I had no idea that brown could be such a scorching fire. Those brown eyes fixed me in all the finest ways, with slate outer rings and teal all the way to the black.

It drew me in, and it had an effect on me. I didn't care for it at all.

The man is a clear head higher than most people I would consider tall. Somehow, he isn't lanky though, there's bulk on him too; muscles beneath the tight shirt he wore. His nose was prominent, and his lips were large and soft

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