Chapter Nineteen

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We slept late, talking about a future we both know we could never have.

I sit up, glancing down at her.

Her hair was sprawled across the pillow, the white sheets wrapped around her body. I slide out of the bed, and bring the sheets further up her body. I sat on the edge of the bed, watching Maria as she slept. Her face was peaceful and serene, and I couldn't help but be struck by how beautiful she looked in the soft light of the sunrise.

I studied her features, taking in every detail - the curve of her cheekbones, the delicate line of her jaw, the flutter of her eyelashes against her skin. She was breathtakingly beautiful, and I felt lucky to be able to see her like this, in such a vulnerable state.

I ran my fingers gently across her forehead, tracing the line of her eyebrows with my thumb. I marveled at the way her skin felt beneath my touch - soft, smooth, and warm.

As I continued to study her, I couldn't help but think about how much I-

I loved the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, the way her smile lit up her face, the way she always knew just what to say to annoy me.

I leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, savoring the sweet scent of her hair. "You're mine, Maria," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion.

Maria stirred in her sleep, and I pulled back, watching as she settled back into a peaceful slumber. For me, there was nothing more beautiful than this moment - just the two of us, together in the quiet stillness of the morning.

I wipe a hand across my face, and slide off the bed before walking to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I was done, I rest both my hands against the sink and glance into the mirror.

I can't have her.

No matter how much I wanted to.

Not only because of my job, but because of the fact that he-

"We get it, you love yourself." Maria speaks from behind me, I push myself of the sink and glance back at her.

"Can't blame me, can you?"

"Nope, I blame your ego." I scoff at her, she just woke up and shes already at it.

"Don't you ever get tired from being so annoying?"

She hums and begins to think, "no. No I don't."

"Should fuck that sarcasm right out of you." I whispered out, opening the shower door as I turn it on.

"No one's stopping you..." her voice echoes into my ears.


Stop Maria.

Before I fucking break.

I look back and see her leaning against the wall, her foot propped up against it as she pushes her back slightly forward. Her hair covered the sides of her face, my jaw tenses.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

My fists tighten and my nails dig into my skin.

She walks closer to me, and with each step-

"You want me...just admit it...just admit that you want me." She whispers, I look away from her as he her hands slowly glide from my shoulders, down to my chest. "Or are you scared?"

"Scared from what?"

"From liking me." 

 Her eyes were a deep brown, almost black, and seemed to shimmer in the light. There was a seductive quality to them, a kind of allure that was hard to resist.

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