Chapter Ten

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It felt more like an illusion than it did a dream, the throbbing pain aching my brain as I try to get an ounce of light through my closed eyelids

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It felt more like an illusion than it did a dream, the throbbing pain aching my brain as I try to get an ounce of light through my closed eyelids. I release a long groan, as I slowly sit up properly.

I look around, widening my eyes to view the bedroom. The walls were a dark green colour, with drop gold lights hanging from the ceiling. I jump off the bed and gaze down at it before reaching the middle to analyse.

The bed is surrounded by dark turquoise linen sheets, a round glass table with a bottle of water, and a gold lamp. The carpet was grey and the flooring were dark wood.

Then Kingston comes into view, looking as dashing as ever. He wore a tight black shirt that outlined his muscles like a line drawing. His rough looking hair looking decent, those piercing brown eyes staining mine.

"What did you do to me?" i whisper angrily, just as i was trying to get out of the bed-my wrists are shackeled to something metal. I look back and see one of my hands attached to the bed with handcuffs.

"Finally you're awake." I try to slide my hand out but he shackled it too tight.

"You cuffed me? What am I a dog for you to keep a leash on? Remove them now!" I slide out of the bed and try my hardest to break the cuffs by pushing back.

"You'll only break your hand killer."

"Fuck you." I spit out, my hair is untied and graciously fell down my shoulders. "You're threatened of me, aren't you?"

"Don't make me laugh,"

"Scared I might kill you Kingston? That I might pierce a knife right into your neck." His lips slowly turn up into a smile. "Because you should be!"

"Keep threatening me, it turns me on killer." Anger seethes through my veins, "so when you're ready to talk-call me." Just as he was about to leave, I stop him.

"We can talk like civilised adults, remove them." He walks towards me, and I notice the keys around his neck attached to his necklace.

"You really think I'm going to release a first degree murderer?"

"You're going against the contract Agent Kingston, legally for this period of time-I'm a free woman."

He steps closer to me, my neck betrays me and falls back as I glance at him. He opens the bed side draw beside me, his eyes fallen to my neck.

"Well then I guess we both have something in common." He whispers, I turn my head only slightly.

His brown eyes complimenting his hair, "whats that?"

"We don't like to follow rules." He slams the bedside draw shut, and walks away before closing the door.

"Kingston! I am going to kill you with my bare hands!" I scream from the top of my lungs, before settling down onto the bed.

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