Chapter Six

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"Do you think I'm scared? I'm not afraid of anyone

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"Do you think I'm scared? I'm not afraid of anyone." I slurred as the darkness interlocked with me, I loved the dark and the shadows. When you think of it what would you do without it? It is the time to do the things you love the most.

As I carefully pushed down, my bare heel pressed hard against his heart, only the layer of clothing and skin getting in the way.

His gaze reaches out to meet mine.

There was a backstory to his eyes.

Reading people was like reading an open book with the knowledge, or should I say expectation, of a happy finish. I had to teach myself how to do it. I was able to free the rifle that had been imprisoned between my thighs, I drew the safety lock carefully and aimed it exactly between his eyes.

The eyes that carried power and, as far as I could tell, fear.

"Please, give me mercy, I have children."

"Don't use your children as bait, not after what you do to them every day of their lives. Now where is my brother!"

Was it not pitiful how the man who dreaded nothing, walked freely, thought he was immune to death under my feet?

On the trashy floor along with dirt, somewhere he would camouflage in. In all honestly, I was giving him a straightforward way out, I was not in the mood to torture for too long seeming as I had other plans.

I knew he understood what I was talking about the minute his pupil decided to dilate wider. Allowing his soft green eyes to disappear as the black of his pupils took over.

All I did was let out a soft laugh shaking my head in absolute shame.

"Who do you work for?" He questioned; as he groans in pain, I pressed my foot even harder against him.

"Why does everyone always assume I work for someone? I work for no one." I point out. "Where is my brother!"

My necklace crawls out from beneath my dress, his eyes lock with it and widen.

"The hard drive-" Before he said anything else, I pulled the trigger aiming at his stomach, the loud noise echoed the neighbourhood giving me exactly three minutes before the old woman down the road would call the authority.

"That isn't supposed to be out." He bled out underneath me, I gently removed my heel away from the stained white shirt as I gave him an unnatural smile.

I hear something behind me, I tuck my necklace back inside and crack my neck. "Now, answer me this question, where the fuck is my brother?" I mutter, stepping onto his wound, he screams in pain.

"I don't know!" Tears are about to form in my eyes. 

"Then where is Kingston." He was part of Semyonov's men, surely he should know where Kingston is.

"Right behind you princess." My head raises from the man underneath my foot, I smile evilly as I make sure my gun is loaded.

"I've missed you Kingston."

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