Chapter Fourteen

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"I don't trust Andrew Kingston

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"I don't trust Andrew Kingston." I speak whilst he was scanning the files that Charlie handed him, Kingston sighs and settles his own down onto the table before shifting his gaze to me.

"First it was Carter, now Andrew? Next minute you're going to tell me it's Nigel." I gaze out the office to see Nigel dipping his donut into ketchup, I almost wanted to gag at the sight.

No definitely not Nigel.

"I don't trust Nigel with food, but I'm telling you. Andrew is too-"

"Too what?" Kingston asks, if it wasn't for our locked hands then I would've been going crazy walking around the room.

"I know too much, you have the hard drive-I can't help but feel that Andrew wants to...get rid of me."

It was just a feeling but I always trust my gut, the way Andrew treated me-so carefully. Almost as if he wanted me to trust him, because if he didn't then his plan would fail.

"If Andrew wanted to get rid of you, then why would he cuff us?"

Andrew has something he's not telling us, my brain is hurting from all this thinking.

"Because he wants to get rid of us both," I whisper out.

My mind was going into planning mode, I know how everyone thinks- so why is that Andrew, is harder? Why can't I get specific information?

"Andrew is the chief-"

"I don't care, I don't trust him." I shrug my shoulders, "and I always go for my gut feeling." Kingston tenses his jaw, he often does that when he's thinking. "Look."

I shift into my seat and come closer to Kingston.

"Only he knows where we are staying right?"

"Yes, and Charlie."

"I have a feeling that something is going to happen to us tonight. We freely have the drive. And if it does-"

"Then either Charlie or Andrew is behind it." Kingston fills in the gap, I nod my head. "But that isn't enough evidence."

"It doesn't matter, please just trust me." I almost begged him.

He looks at me, Kingston always had such a strong gaze. And it always made me feel something, he is analysing me- seeing if I am telling the truth.

And once he realises that I am...

He nods.

"Fine." He responds to me.

"He wants the hard drive. He'll come to us when we're most vulnerable."

"When we're sleeping." He figures out, I nod my head.

"Oh look at us, working together-maybe these cuffs are really working huh." I lean in closer, resting my jaw in the palm of my hand as I gaze at him.

"Stop annoying me."

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