Chapter Twenty Five

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The door opens, and my eyes glance up to lock with Ares'.


"He took the hard drive." I croak out, tears spilling from my eyes. "He used me-and he took it..." I crumbled into Ares' arms, tears streaming down my face, as the reality of what had just happened hit me like a ton of bricks. How could he do this to me? How could he betray me like this?

Ares held me tight, his strong arms wrapped around me, providing a sense of comfort and safety in the midst of my despair. He didn't say anything, just held me as I cried, allowing me to release all the pain and heartbreak I was feeling.

I felt so foolish, so naive to have trusted Kingston with everything. I had given him my heart, my body, my trust, and he had repaid me by stealing the hard drive and leaving me alone on the beach, shattered and broken.

But Ares was there for me, holding me close, telling me that everything would be okay. His words were like a balm to my wounded heart, easing the pain and sorrow that threatened to overwhelm me.

I clung to him, seeking solace in his embrace, knowing that he would never betray me like Kingston had.

I couldn't help but wonder if it had all been a game to Kingston, a cruel joke played at my expense. Had he ever really cared about me? Or was I just a means to an end, a pawn to be used in his quest for power and control?

"It's alright. It's okay." Ares whispers.

I push myself out of his embrace, anger clogging my throat.

I walk out of his hotel room and down to mine, I could feel the anger crawling up my veins. I push my hotel door open and go on to change into a pair of jeans and a shirt. 

"Answer me this question," Ares demanded, his eyes searching mine with a mix of concern and apprehension. "Are you planning to take revenge on Kingston for what he did?"

I could feel the rage bubbling within me, consuming my thoughts and fueling my desire for vengeance. "Yes," I replied, my voice tinged with bitterness. "He stole the hard drive from me, betrayed our trust. He needs to pay for his actions."

Ares stepped closer, his expression pained. "Maria, I understand your anger. But seeking revenge will only lead to more bloodshed and pain. It won't bring back what was lost."

Tears welled up in my eyes, a potent blend of fury and sorrow. "He played me, Ares. He used my feelings against me, manipulated me to get what he wanted. How can I just let him get away with it?"

Ares gently reached out and placed his hands on my shoulders, his touch offering both comfort and restraint. "I know it hurts, Maria. I know it feels unbearable. But we can't let ourselves become consumed by hatred. We're better than that."

His words resonated deep within me, reminding me of the person I had always aspired to be. Yet, the desire for revenge remained an ever-present weight on my shoulders.

"I can't just forget, Ares," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I need to make him suffer like he made me suffer."

Ares drew me closer, enveloping me in a tender embrace. "I understand your pain, Maria. But the path of revenge will only bring more darkness into our lives. We need to rise above it, find a way to heal and rebuild."

His words cut through my anger, piercing the depths of my wounded heart. I clung to him, seeking solace and strength. A battle raged within me, torn between the need for justice and the desire to protect the remaining fragments of my fractured soul. 

Ares stares at me, his eyes filled with concern and pain. I wish I could disappear, I wish this was all just a nightmare. But the truth is staring me right in the face.

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