Chapter Eighteen

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Dark turns to light by hampers naeselius

I reach out and twist the shower knob, feeling the smooth metal turn beneath my hand. With a satisfying click, the water begins to flow, and I step back, feeling a sense of anticipation.

As the water cascades down from the showerhead, I test the temperature with my hand, adjusting the knobs until the water is just right. The warmth feels soothing against my skin, and I take a deep breath, feeling the steam fill my lungs.

With a sense of relief, I step into the shower, letting the water envelop me. It's like a warm embrace, washing away the stresses of the day and leaving me feeling refreshed.

As I close my eyes and lean my head back, I let out a sigh of contentment. This is my oasis, my escape from the world. In here, I am free to just be, to let my mind wander and my worries fade away.

For a few moments, I simply stand under the water, feeling its gentle caress.

I stand under the warm water, feeling its gentle caress against my skin. But my mind is far from relaxed as I contemplate my feelings for Kingston.

He's an FBI agent, assigned to protect me until I go to jail. It's a strange situation, and one that has brought us closer together than I ever could have imagined. But what does it all mean?

I can't help but wonder if he feels the same way I do. There have been moments between us, glances and touches that seem to speak volumes. But maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.

As I shampoo my hair, I try to push these thoughts aside. After all, what good will they do me? I'll be behind bars soon enough, and Kingston will move on with his life.

But still, I can't shake the feeling that there's something there between us. It's a complicated situation, and one that leaves me with more questions than answers.

I rinse the shampoo from my hair, feeling the water trickle down my back. But even as I try to clear my mind, the thought of Kingston lingers, a constant presence that I can't escape.

And I didn't like that.

I yank the towel from the radiator with a final deep breath, I step out of the shower and exit the bathroom. I notice Kingston changed, sat at the edge of the bed whilst reloading his gun. 

Our eyes meet for just a moment, but in that brief exchange, I feel a surge of emotions.

There's a tension between us, a connection that goes beyond our roles as prisoner and protector. I can't help but wonder if he feels it too.

But as quickly as it came, the moment is gone. Kingston turns away, his professional demeanor firmly in place. It's as if nothing ever happened, and yet I can't shake the feeling that something has changed between us.

Especially after last nights talk, god, it was obvious it meant nothing to him.

I slide the towel off and drop it onto the ground before changing into my clothes. It's not like he hasn't seen me naked before. 

"What's the plan?" He asks me. 

I turn my head to an angle. 

"We're meeting up with an old friend of mine."

"Who is that." He asks me, I turn around and tie my hair into a bun. 

"Like I said, an old friend." He grabs the keys and walks right past me, my heart winced at his cold sense. I followed after him, closing the motel door behind us. We walk in silence towards Kingston's car, the only sound the crunch of gravel under our boots. The weight of our impending separation hangs heavy in the air.

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