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tom and i were in the suv we rented, heading to the club. it was silent, not awkward more like a comfortable silence but a little tension. if that's what you can call this weird feeling that's lingering in the air.

"sooo," said tom.

"yes tommy?" i asked. i didn't know what he wanted to say nor what he was thinking, but i wanted to know so i give him the green light to talk.

"i'm sorry about uh the jet thing you know? i was a little tipsy and yeah i just wanted to say sorry."

turning to look at him, i squinted because i thought i saw him blushing.

"tom..are you..blushing?" i asked shocked. during our teen years, he never blushed, come to think of it i've never seen him blush, not once.

"um, uh no y/n don't be ridiculous," he said playfully rolling his eyes trying to hide his smile.

"YOU ARE," i giggled, "that's a first, but i accept your apology," i replied, "now relax and let's go have fun in the club."

after parking, we exited the suv and headed towards the club. paparazzi saw us from across the street so tom put his arm around me to guide me and keep me safe. paparazzi was going crazy thinking we had some scandal or something, but what they didn't realize because they're idiots, is that we just wanted to get away from them.

while we were pushing our way through, tom saw one of the paparazzi's eat shit and he started giggling. i giggled too but hid my smile because i didn't want to seem disrespectful, but girlll if something is funny ima laugh or smile regardless.

 i giggled too but hid my smile because i didn't want to seem disrespectful, but girlll if something is funny ima laugh or smile regardless

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(just pretend tom has his arm around)

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(just pretend tom has his arm around)

after finally getting inside, we went to look for bill and heidi, who both were already drinking and i'm pretty sure a little tipsy.

"hey guys," i said grabbing a shot and passing them around.

"heyyy, we should all go dance," said heidi. we all agreed with her and went to dance. bill and i started dancing to "Give It To Me" by timbaland.

"oh my goddd, this used to be my songgg," said bill blinking away tears. i internally groaned knowing he was entering that phase we all get when we're drunk, the sad/nostalgic one.

i turned to tom and heidi yelling over the music, "im going back to the table really quick."

"oh me too, i need another drink," said heidi. for her age, she could really drink, i thought older people didn't do that type of stuff anymore but hey, i'm not saying shit cause that's probably what ima do.

"okay billy, i'm going to get you water i'll be back," i said. not waiting for a response, i danced my way towards tom who was dancing on his own and i told him, "i'm going to get bill water."

"HUH?" he yelled back with a confused look. leaning into him i yelled, "IM GOING TO GET BILL WATER DEAF ASS." he rolled his eyes and nodded, so i left to get the water.

3rd person pov: from afar, heidi saw y/n and tom flirting, not knowing they were talking because of the buzz the drinks have given her. feeling enraged because of y/n just being near her man and his brother, she acted out without thinking. heidi grabbed a stranger, and kissed him.

back to 1st:

after getting bill water, i headed back to the table to give it to him.

"HERE BILLY," i said handing him the water. he shook his head and placed it on the table.

"BITCH I DONT WANT WATER I WANNA DANCE," he yelled back. rolling my eyes at how quick he can get out of the sad phase, i just pulled him to go find tom so we could all dance. when we reached the floor we didn't find tom dancing, instead he was just staring across the club.

i followed his eyesight and gasped, seeing what was happening. heidi was kissing another man.

"BILL FUCKING LOOK," i yelled before moving his head to where the scene was unfolding. his eyes widened before looking back to his brother. we gave each other a look and went to tom.

3rd: although tom had feelings for y/n, he never acted out on them intentionally so seeing heidi cheat did actually hurt him.


"billy go get tom and i'll meet you guys in the hotel," i said to him worried. i know how it feels getting cheated on, and although tom did it to me, i didn't want him getting the same thing in return. i turned to see heidi to find her leaving the guy, dancing with another on the floor.

i went up to her and grabbed her wrist dragging her outside.

"hey what the he-," she said before i cut her off, "cut the fucking bullshit why the fuck were you kissing another man heidi!?" at that point paparazzi was around us but i was too mad at heidi to care.

paparazzi 1: SHE CHEATED ON TOM!?!?
paparazzi 2: I GOT MY BETS ON Y/N
paparazzi 3: I GOT MINE ON HEIDI

"oh don't act innocent y/n, i saw you flirting with tom on the dance floor, yeah i saw that," she said fuming and pointing her finger in my face.

snatching her wrist before shoving it away, i told her what really happened.

"ohhh, so you did see me talking to tom and telling him that i was getting water for bill?" i said angrily.
"you were too fucking drunk to see you stupid bitch, i was getting water for bill and told tom to check on him," i said getting in her face, "so what you did? oh you cheated on tom over fucking nothing." i said before backing up, seeing her paler than she already was.

paparazzi 4: Y/N ANY FINAL COMMENTS?

already pissed and a little drunk to care, i turned to talk into the mic of the last paparazzi and said, "yeah. tom doesn't need her and if i catch her again, my acrylics will be on the floor." i said before pushing away the camera and walking away and heading to the hotel on my own.

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