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we headed downstairs and met up with mr and mrs kaulitz and the boys.

"the intruder left but we still called the police to come do an investigation, y/n honey i think you should call your mom. you too boys." said mrs. kaulitz. i stepped outside to the backyard to call my mother and to inform her. she nearly almost came back home but i told her i'm fine and that i wouldn't stay alone, that i'd stay with the kaulitz until she came home.

walking back inside i saw that bill went to walk out gustav and george, so it was just tom because his parents went upstairs to check everything.

"soo..how are you doing," i lamely ask, the tension was so thick you can cut it with a knife. he smiled softly before clearing his throat and say fine.

"listen y/n, i-i think we should just be friends, what happened in the closet was a mistake," he said without looking at me in the eyes. i was honestly so tired of tom doing that so i just said, "okay" and smiled at him. he looked a little confused because it seemed as if i took it well when i truly didn't. we heard bill coming back in.

"hey are you going to spend the night, or the rest of your time here?" bill asked.

"yeah if it's okay with you and your family, i don't want my mom leaving work for something little like this."

"y/n it wasn't little but okayyy, cmon let's go you, you can sleep with me," bill said excitedly because it's been a while. i ignore what happened with tom because ain't no way i was going to let him hurt me again so i really didn't think much of it and just went with bill up to his room, leaving tom alone.

up in bills room we were being chismosos because it's our thing, i mean i'm mexican so it's in my blood. (guys i swear every mexican ik is like this, i myself am😭).

"bill i need to tell you something," i said seriously. bill straightened up and asked what is it.

"while there was the person in the house, me and tom were hiding in a closet together and next thing you know we were kissing, not just little pecks but full on make out sesh i'm talking about touching, moaning and dirty tal-"

"okay okay shut up i don't need to know what my brother does with you," bill said shuddering. he noticed my expression and asked, "what's wrong though? isn't that what you wanted?"

"yeah, until he called it a mistake and friend zoned me," i said smiling sadly, "that was my first kiss too billy, and i feel stupid" i said hiding my face in my hands.

"listen, you're not stupid okay, i mean you are but you're not," i smacked him before he laughed and continued, "but seriously you're not, this happens all the time with multiple people and yes it is important but after your first kiss many more come to you easily, and you're hot and have a hot body y/n so own it and don't let my stupid confused brother make you feel this way," bill said smiling before hugging me. i hugged him back and we decided to call it a night.

that morning y/n and the boys wake up and get ready because the band is getting more recognized so they have an interview. y/n is going to show support because despite what happened with her and tom, they were still her friends.

"y/nnnn," said bill, "hurry up!! we're going to be late cmon."

"i'm coming, i'm coming," i said out of breath from running down the stairs. i looked at the boys, tom was red and moved his shirt down, bill was giving me a suggestive look and gustav and george were looking at each other before laughing.

"oh shut up and let's move you dirty idiots," i said blushing, we all moved into the suv, i had to squeeze in between tom and bill. it was a little awkward but nonetheless i was talking to both. about 20 minutes later we arrived at the place, i was going to hop out before tom offered his hand, i smiled gratefully and took it, this outfit was a little revealing and one wrong move would flash people my thong, and that's definitely something they don't need to see.

we walked to the waiting room before the boys told me it was their turn, i decided to wait in the room because i didn't want the risk of anyone seeing me and knowing me. the only one who knows i'm a little famous is bill. i stopped my thoughts as i saw the boys interview starting.

"welcome back to the show everyone, today we are here with.."
"tokio hotel!!" said the band
"okay let's start with common questions," said the interviewer.

"okay now to the juicy details, tom everyone wants to know if the biggest player has gotten a girlfriend?"
i got a little perplexed by that question, i mean tom is only 17 so why are they making him look really bad?
"um no aha, i mean i do like a girl, genuinely but i don't want to commit to her yet, i'm not really good with relationships so i want to fix myself," he said smiling.
"ooo poor girl, she doesn't know that she's dealing with a player," said the interviewer chuckling along with the audience. i didn't find it funny, not one single bit. i saw tom trying to smile but it wasn't working and thank god the interview ended because i knew the other boys were worrying about tom. i saw tom walk off rather quickly and when the boys came back they told me to just give him space, so i did.

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