Changing pt. 2

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(Warning! Poisoning, death, swearing, and mention of blood.)

Author's pov
The two boys wake up next morning and get ready for school. They meet Cassidy and drive to school with her. "Alright Gregory stay with Cass for now." Gregory nodded. Evan left. "So wanna do some dumb shit?"

CC's pov
I need some supplies from the nurse's office. Some bitch tried to hurt Gregory. I let him go once but I won't again. Ever. He will pay for what he did. I walk to the nurse's office. "Hello. it okay if I could borrow a bottle of medicine?" I ask the nurse acting as innocent as possible. "For sure! Left cabinet top shelf." I nod before grabbing the medicine and getting the fuck out.

'I've already got a bunch of other shit on my plate and this bitch is just making it worse.'

I think to myself. I go up to him and ask him if I can fill his water bottle. Staying as calm as possible even though the sight of him makes me want to rip him apart limb by limb, cut him open, rip out his organs, chuck his organs in a fire, stuff his skin with cotton like a doll, burn that to, then quietly and finally calmly return to my beautiful angel Gregory so we can cuddle.

(Well that's...oddly specific anyways.)

I fill his water put the "medicine" (bc it's actually a chemical) in his bottle. I give it back to him. "Here you should drink some now! Gotta stay hydrated!" He only stared at me as I smile brightly. "Weirdo.." This made me really mad. "You know. I've been mad before but your really getting on my nerves." I shove the bottle into his mouth forcing him to drink it.

("forcing him to drink it." Anyone getting deja vu? Hint hint chapter six.)

Once he finally drank it all I throw the bottle away. He turns away from me and coughed out blood. "You psychopath! You fucking poisoned it!" He keeps coughing until. *thud* I laugh to myself. Before dragging his body into a furnace.

(Yandere simulator??? 👀)

I clean up the blood on the floor and return to Cassidy and Gregory.

(Cliffhanger! Also tysm Sunset_Gaymer69 for reminding me I even made this story. Cuz I almost forgot about this. 💀 bye bye love u all! ❤💕)

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