It's you again

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♥︎CC's POV♥︎

As I was walking to school I hear someone call me. "Hey CC!" I turn around and see the boy from yesterday. "Hello Gregory." "Hi hi hi! You never told me you went to school here." He says pulling me into a hug once again I blushed slightly.

"Yeah I-" "Hey Greg! How's it going?" I see a boy walk over to us and Gregory turns around smiling at him I feel my anger start to boil in me but I let my face remain calm only letting out a simple "Tch." "Hello Zane It's going well."

(Zane is my oc.) He says happily only to make my anger rise like an over boiling pot still my face remains calm. "That's good I'll see ya later!" Gregory smiles as the boy runs off I roll my eyes Gregory looks down at his watch his eyes widening in shock.

"It's almost time for class! I'll be leaving now bye CC." He says waving as he runs I wave back and start my way to class.

»»————> Time Skip <————««

As I was sitting in class I was looking around there was no said reason why I was looking around I just did till my eyes landed on a certain boy.


I watched as he was reading a book the way he flipped the pages so gently, the way his eyes moved from one side to the other as he read, his eyes are beautiful I've never seen eyes like his before his eyes were a unique golden brown it's a bit strange but beautiful.

Once he caught me staring I turn away blushing I hear him giggle a bit and butterflies start to flutter around in my stomach my face turning a light pink. "Alright class settle down." The teacher says and class starts.

»»————> Time Skip <————««

During class I would steal glances at Gregory every chance I got but who wouldn't he's the most beautiful boy in the world. I take in all his details his soft lips, his eyes, his fluffy hair, the way he taps his light baby blue painted nails on his desk, the way his nose twitches when he's confused.

'I haven't even got anything done and since this class is just boring work should I ask him for help? No no no no no you haven't even got the first page done he's gonna think your useless even worse pathetic!'

As I opened my mouth to ask the bell rang.

'Well guess all that stalling results in homework tonight...great job Evan great job...'

I pick up my stuff and head out of class then outside for some fresh air. I decided to look for Gregory since he's probably the only person I can talk to. I walk around the school courtyard looking around for Gregory. Finally seeing him a small smile forms on my face but...not for long because he's back.

Is the only person that matters to me Gregory and Gregory alone yes.

Do I care about Zane or whatever the fuck his name is no.

I walk up to the two and snake my arms around Gregory's waist pulling him towards me and glaring at him. "Oh hey CC!" He says in his usual cheerful tone I only nod in response then resting my head on his shoulder.

"Well I'll see ya later Greg I'll leave you and your boyfriend together~" Zane says walking away from the two of us. "He's. not. my. boyfriend!" Gregory yells at the boy and I let out a small chuckle.

»»————> Time Skip <————««

It's now the end of the day and me and Gregory are walking home together turns out his house is a few blocks away from mine. "Is this it?" I ask him. "Yep thanks CC." He says a bit more quiet this  time but I didn't question it. "Before I go..." He says as I was about to walk off I turn to face him and he walks down the steps.

He walks closer till we are face to face I blush slightly and then he hugs me. "Thank you for walking me home CC see you later stay safe." He says in a calm and sweet tone then walked away waving I do the same.

'I'm never washing this sweater again.'

I think walking to my house.

»»————> Time Skip <————««

As I'm doing my homework I think of the events that took place today Gregory and the way he looks and talks to me he was so kind, Zane and why I felt so angry when he touched, talked, or even looked in Gregory's direction, and that hug.

'He gave me a hug...'

I think as I put my pencil down and then something in my head just clicked.

'I love this boy, I want this boy, I need this boy, and I will never let anyone get in my way. He. Will. Be. Mine.'

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