Together forever pt. 2

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♥︎CC's POV♥︎

I wake up to Gregory's adorable sleeping face I just felt like kissing it! I love him I really do and now that he's mine now I'm happy really happy but now I got to get rid of all his other "friends".

After I knew about Zane I found out that he had other friends to! But then again what do you expect he always manages to make people happy, he's the most adorable boy in the world, he's the most beautiful boy in the world, he's smart, and everything you could ever wish for.

'To bad bad he's mine.'

I grab a strand of his beautiful and soft brown hair and put it behind his ear I look at his face and caress his soft skin he started to grumble I found it cute but I also missed his cute voice but I did it for a reason so can't cry for help.

The last thing I need is him taken from me I can't lose him. I love him and he might not love me now but he will soon.

He wakes up grumbling softly and rubbing his eyes. "Good morning love." He flinches at my sudden words then turns to face me nodding in response. I give him a kiss on the cheek and gently hold him. "Come on let's go get breakfast." He nods and we head to the kitchen.

Once we get to the kitchen I ask him. "Are you good with bagels and a smoothie?" He nods still looking tired I small smile forms on my face. I pull out a chair for him to sit down and start to make our breakfast.

Once I finish making our breakfast I put Gregory's plate and smoothie in front of him giving him a kiss on the cheek he grumbles again I chuckled a bit and set my plate and smoothie in front of me sitting down afterwards.

"So I wanted to let you know more about the situation and how this is going to work." I say a serious look on my face. He looks at me chewing on his bagel and nods I continue.

"Let's start with school. I have a friend near by who knows about our situation. She'll be helping us. Her legal guardian is also helping the only thing is she doesn't know what's really going on unlike my friend that I mentioned earlier."

"Now you may be wondering. How is she going to help us? Well when we go to school and I'm not around you will be staying with her she will make sure nobody else goes near you. If anyone does they will be dealt with later on. Understood?" He nods and I continue.

"We are also going to be in a new school to avoid any questions with people we used to know." "Now for when we go around in public. You will be staying with me the whole time we are there if you want or need to leave let me know and I'll figure it out." He nods again.

"Sometimes my friend will come with us it will be the same with school she will make sure nobody goes near you." He nods again. "That should be it I'll let you know if anything else comes up. Okay?" He nods and the two of us finish up our breakfast and clean up any messes.

"Alright so right now we will visit my friend so you will get to know her." He nods and we get ready.

»»————> Time Skip <————««

Once were done getting ready we put on our shoes and start our way to my friend's house walking hand and hand.

»»————> Time Skip <————««

Once we get to my friend's house I knock on the door hearing muffled footsteps from inside Gregory moves closer to me I found it quite cute. The door opens and my friend greeted us. "Oh CC and um...oh! You must be Gregory correct?" He nods.

"Great great my name is Cassidy but you can call me Cassie! Come inside!"

Okay so this has been on draft for awhile now and plz plz tell me what you think of this and yes I'll try and add Cassidy more in the story I just think that adding her would add more to the story. Bye!

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