A new friend

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♥︎Gregory's POV♥︎

I was walking around the park when I see a boy on the swings around my age facing the ground I decided to talk to him.

'He looks sad and since I always manage to cheer people up so why not!'

♥︎CC's POV♥︎

I was on the swing looking down at my shoes till I hear "Hey are you okay?" I look up and see a boy and look back down not saying anything. "I just wanted to help you seemed sad." I look up at him again still staying silent. "Not a talker?"

I still stay silent and he sits down on the swing beside me. "My names Gregory what's your name?" I stay silent for a bit longer then finally decided to speak. "Evan." He's face lit up. "There you go your talking!" I don't know what happened to me but I blushed slightly.

"So do you live around here or..." "Yeah. I do." I say and he ask more questions I usually get annoyed when people ask questions but something about this boy...makes me want him to never leave my side.

Our conversation goes on for a bit longer until someone called his name. "Gregory!" "Oh sorry Evan that's my dad see ya later!" He says in his loud cheerful voice I call his name again and he turns around I do the same. "Call me CC." I say standing up and walking away shortly afterwards.

♥︎Gregory's POV♥︎

"Gregory!" "Coming!" I say before running to my dad.

♥︎CC's POV♥︎
As I return home I go to my room and close the door. I think about that boy. He seemed strange to me..and I don't know why.

Do I...really love you? Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ