The plan pt. 2

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♥︎Cassidy's pov♥︎
We drive till we reach my house. We hide their body's in my basement and tie them up. We go to get some knifes, a crowbar, drill and screws, and a hammer. Why? To torture them of course! They've been around way to long...

»»————> Time Skip <————««

Once the three finally wake up! We begin to talk. "Finally awake." They flinched. "Who the hell are yo-" Zane was cut of when CC hit him in the head with a crowbar. "Might want to watch your language." His nose started to bleed. "What do you want from us?" Summer asked terrified. "What do we want?" I ask looking at CC he smirked. "We want you dead." The three looked at us with a terrified look. "CC. Give me the drill." He gives me the drill with a few screws. I turn it on and drill the screws into the girls head. It was very amusing to see her suffer like this. I giggle a bit. "Alright CC. Don't want you to feel left out. Why don't you cut out they're  tongues." The girl screamed I hit her with the crowbar. "My pleasure~" CC cuts out their tongues. They scream and scream till they couldn't scream anymore. They're just crying at this point. Did we care? No. "I think you should be the one to finish them of." I say giving CC one of knifes. I tuck tape they're mouths so they could just shut the fuck up. Sure we cut they're tongues out but they still make they're pathetic whimpers. "You know I told you. I warned you. Did you listen no and this is what you get for it." He finishes the three of. He cut Summer's throat, stabbed Zane in the chest, and cuts the others throat as well. "Alright. Thanks Cass." He says giving me a high five. "No problem. You can leave now. Don't worry I'll take care of the body's." He thanks me again before we both get in my car and drive to his house.

»»————> Time Skip <————««

♥︎CC's pov♥︎
I wave goodbye and enter my house. "I'm back love!" Gregory peeks around a corner. He had a terrified look on his face. Very adorable in my point of view. "What's wrong love?" He touches my face. I snuggle my face into his hand.

'So soft...'

He grabs my other hand and pulls me into the kitchen and starts to clean my face. I lean forward. He lifts my chin up to clean the tiny splashes of blood on my neck. "Thank you love." "Mhm." Gregory hums. I kiss him. He points at the table. "Oh you cooked supper." He nods. "Well I guess you need to do something with hours of free time." I kiss him on the cheek and we go to eat.

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