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Warning⚠ Drugs, death, and possessive behavior!

♥︎CC's POV♥︎

I was excited to see him, my only reason to live, Gregory that was until I see him with another boy who was hurting him. I knew I had to make myself seen even if everyone sees me as a "crybaby". He is the boy I love and I'm not just gonna stand around and let him get hurt. No. Way. In. Hell.

"Hey!" I say as the boy picking on Gregory turned around he looked me up and down then turned to Gregory and asked him "You know this boy?" He looked at me tears threatening to fall from his eyes and quietly said "No..." My heart broke.

Gregory my only friend my only love who for sure knows me but says he doesn't what the fuck has this boy been doing to him. I for sure know this boy did something to him because that's something he would never say.

Not only that but he was about to cry! He's the most positive person I ever met he's always so kind and always manages to make people happy! Like he did with me and to see him like this it breaks me.

I step towards the two boys and grab Gregory by the waist pulling him towards me. "He does actually." "Oh really..." He said glaring at me then at Gregory who seemed to look scared. "Well why don't you introduce yourself he has yet told me about you." "Right how...rude of me I'm Jay Gregory's...ex. boyfriend."

I don't know what got into me but I pushed Gregory off of me and punch to boy in the face. Then started to hit him as hard as I can him doing the same I didn't care though in fact the two of us started to fight for who knows long Gregory was telling us to stop but did we care no.

We kept fighting till I manage to grab his throat I start to strangle him blinded by anger I didn't notice what was happening around me all I wanted was this boy dead.

'He hurt him he hurt Gregory! And he's definitely not getting away with it.'

I kept a strong grip on his throat tightening every time he cried for help until...he ran out of breath I laughed looking at his dead body. I looked like a maniac I looked insane. Finally calming down I hear someone crying behind me.

Turning around I see Gregory crying his eyes out I stand up walking towards him he backs up till I manage to grab his hand and pulling him towards me holding on to him one arm around his waist and one of my hands playing with his soft hair. "Look on the bright side he won't be able to hurt you anymore isn't that right love."

Still I hear quiet sobs coming from him once and awhile flinching. As I was about to give him a small kiss on the forehead he pushed me off of him "Stay away from me your insane!" He says tears still falling from his eyes. I glare at him.

"What's wrong love? Your acting like you don't even know me. I know you do right? It's me CC." I say about to hold his hand but he hits my hand away from his bringing both of his hands close to his chest. "I don't! Not anymore..." He says the last few parts quietly. I stay silent glaring at him again.

"Wrong answer you know me you love me and we both know that isn't that right love." "Don't. Call. Me. Tha-" I push him pining him down to the ground. He kicked and yelled but I didn't care for his crys. I took something out of my bag something I always kept on me incase something like this would happen.

I forcefully opened his mouth he still kept trying to kick me off of him. I put a pill in his mouth forcing him to swallow it. I grab my water bottle and put it in his mouth getting him to drink it. Finally he passed out in my arms.

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