His reason

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Risha POV
"I saw Alex. Abhi...Abhi, he came back. But he didn't contact me! Do-does he kn-know about our marriage?" I panicked. "Wh-what should I do?" I pulled my hair out of frustration. "Shit! I wanna explain it to him. I always end up hurting him. I am the worst," I started crying. I don't know why I am crying. I didn't even talk to him yet or am I crying because Abhi didn't talk to me about yesterday's event. I don't know...I don't know anything. But I had a feeling something wrong is gonna happen.
"Isha...Isha, relax. I will find him for you. Then you can explain everything to him. I will help you clarify. Okay? Calm down," Abhi consoled me cupping my face.
"You will do that?" I asked him with hopeful eyes.
"I will," he ensured me with a smile. I embraced him instantly. He also wrapped his hand around me tighter than ever as if I will disappear if he loosens his hold. We pulled back when a car horn interrupted. "We should get going. But I will find him. Promise," Abhi reassured me.
Abhi dropped me at the hospital. But I couldn't concentrate on anything the whole day. Abhi came to pick me up at 7 pm. We didn't talk inside the car. After some time I notice that we are not going to our apartment.
"Abhi, where are we going?"
"Don't you want to meet Alex?" he asked me ignoring my question. But still, I nodded. "We are going to Alex's place," he replied casually.
"You find him so fast?" he nodded. "Abhi, you are the best," I hugged him cheerfully without caring he was driving.
"Isha, I am driving," he shouted.
"I am sorry," he mouthed 'it's ok' and concentrated on the road. Inevitably we reached in front of an apartment. Suddenly I got nervous. What will I say to him? How should I clarify things? That moment I found a comforting hand on mine. I looked at Abhi, he gave me a reassuring smile.
We went inside the apartment, I gathered all the courage in me and knock at the door. A couple of moments later, Alex opened the door. I thought he would be glad to see me but I was wrong. He had a cold appearance all over.
"What do you want?" was his first question after seeing me one year later.
"Won't you let us in?" he stepped aside from the door, allowing us to enter his apartment. "How are you?" I asked him before he could start again. He scoffed.
"Do you care?" he sneered.
"Of course, I care. Alex, let me clarify things..." Alex cut me off.
"I need not bother with your explanation. What would you like to talk about, Mrs. Knight? That how your marriage life is going? You came right here with your husband just to give Me a clarification. Me? Trust me, Mrs. Knight, I don't need it," he bellowed with a hard articulation.
"Alex, if it's not too much trouble, listen to me," I pleaded again but it also went in vain.
"I would prefer not to
hear anything. I should have known that a poor guy like me has no chance with you. I was stupid. Now, I don't want a rich brat like you. You can leave," he spat coldly. I have enough today. I didn't have the energy to bear any longer. So I ran out of his apartment, bitterly weeping.
Alex POV
I saw her ran out of my apartment. Tears were flowing from her eyes over her cheek. I wanted to remove that tears from her. But I can't do that now, she is someone else's wife. I have no rights over her. And I caused her tears.
"Why did you do that?" Abhiudey Knight grabbed my collar and asked me angrily why I made her wife cry. Looks he cares for her more than I thought. Now I can rest assure that Risha is in his hand.
"I have my reason. Just take care of her," I shrugged his hand off my collar and told him.
"I will. Better than you," saying that he also ran after Risha.
I hope both of them will be happy with each other. Risha will be better off me with her love. I couldn't stand it anymore. I sat down on the couch abruptly feeling helpless. I hurt my love. No...No, she is no longer mine. Sitting here I remember the moment when I found out I lost the best gift of my life.
"Hey, Alex!" my roommate slightly pushed me when I didn't respond to his call.
"Huh...Did you say something? Sorry, I zoned out," he chuckled hearing me.
"Again wandering off in fantasy land about her," he knows how much I love Risha and always thinks about her.
"Yeah, I kinda miss her," I answered rubbing the rear of my neck shyly.
"You work so hard for her, man. You can see her again in less than two months," he cheered me.
"Yeah. I was thinking, I will go in front of her on her birthday which is in two months, and give her a surprise. She will be happy to see me," he told him excitedly. I will meet her soon. I can't wait to see her. My phone rang while I was caught up contemplating what will I do in the wake of seeing her one year later. I excused myself and went to my room.
"Hello, mum-mum. How are you?" I asked her happily when I got the video call.
"I am good. How are you?" she asked me.
"I am also good. But I miss you all. I just wanna wrap this up quickly and come back to you guys," I told her enthusiastically.
"Alex, I think it's time for you to know something," she said quitting any funny businesses.
"Mum-mum is everything alright? Rish is okay, right?" I was unable to bear it if anything happens to her. I would never forgive myself.
"No, no. Risha is alright," she was hesitant to tell me. What's wrong? "After you left, Risha's parents forced her to marry," she disclosed that after a few deep breaths. When I comprehend her word, my eyes widen in shock. I gasped hard. Risha...No...I can't...I can't afford that...I can't.
"Ri-Risha Sh-she is...how is she?" please, mum-mum tell me she is okay.
"Relax. She is fine and I think she is happy with her husband. They came here for your uncle's death anniversary. Alex, you should forget her. Move on, dear. There must be someone who is made for you..." mum-mum was going on but I wasn't in the condition to hear anything.
"Where are they now?" I murmured.
"They are coming downstairs," she sighed.
"I wanna see Risha," my voice came out in a whisper. I don't have the strength to speak. My lips were trembling. She turned the back camera on so that I can see them. I was seeing my Risha after one year. She was smiling vividly, looking at her husband. Abhiudey Knight? How would she live with an arrogant, heartless person like him? RISHA! She was about to fall when Abhiudey caught her. He cradled her. Her face had a glow that was never there when she was with me. I cut off the call not being able to stand it anymore.
I couldn't breathe properly. Everything around me goes narrower. I need some air and I need something...I need something to forget the pain. I stormed out of my apartment without caring anything. I found a club, went inside. I drink...drink till I forget everything the pain, the loneliness.
Tears were rolling down my cheek, remembering that hurtful day. What the hell in the world did I do to deserve all these pains! I shouldn't have left her and should have fought for her. I lost her... I lost her the day I left her alone. I curled up on the couch and cried my heart out till I collapsed due to exhaustion. 

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