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Risha POV
I fell asleep when Abhi went for a shower. My dear sweet husband tried to wake me up softly. When I didn’t respond he started tickling me until I gave up. Unfortunately, I can’t stay mad at him for this.
“Let’s go. Mum-mum must be waiting for us,” I nodded and left the room and went downstairs with him.
We tease each other and joking around on our way down. Suddenly my legs twisted and I was about to fall from the stairs. But a strong arm grabbed me by my waist. I knew he won’t let anything happened to me. I slowly opened my eyes and met with his blue one which had full of anxiousness for me.
“You okay, princess?” Abhi asked me with concern, putting his palm on my face. How can I not be ok? I have my savior with me. Now I wanna embraced him firmly. So I needed a reason that’s why I shook my head in negative. He cradled my head on his chest. I also enfolded my arms around him. My cheeks had turned a dark shade of pink till now. We pulled apart what feels like hours later.
“What should I do with you, princess?” Love me as I do. I inwardly facepalm myself. I thought I said that loud. “When will you learn to take care of yourself?” he scolded me.
“I don’t need to learn because I have you to take care of me,” he snickered hearing me and held my hand like he always does. We went downstairs where mum-mum was waiting for us. She was talking to someone on phone.
“Who were you talking to?” I asked her, frowning.
“Just business. It’s last. I already told Bella to put the telephones away,” I beamed at her. I don’t like people gave their attention anywhere when I am around. Abhi gave us a curious look but didn’t ask anything.
After dinner, I helped mum-mum and Bella cleaned up. Abhi offered help but we sent him to the room. After cleaning up I was going to my room but mum-mum called me from behind and asked me to meet her in her room. I think it’s time to tell mum-mum everything about me and Abhi.
“Come and sit here. We have a lot to talk about,” mum-mum told me when I entered her room. I went to mum and sat beside her. “So, you love him?” she directly asked, looking at me.
“I-I don’t know how but I fell in love with him. I know what I did is unfair to Alex. But I can’t help myself. I couldn’t keep Abhi away. My feelings for him are even more intense,” I told her while crying. Mum-mum hugged me with maternal affection.
“Never say sorry for loving someone. And Alex will understand you,” she palmed on my head and said. I nodded in acknowledgment. When Alex will come back I will explain everything to him. He must understand me.
Mum-mum and I talked for a while. I told her everything about Abhi and me. She is more than happy for us. I should go to my room now he must be waiting for me. I said goodbye to her and headed to my room.
Abhiudey POV
After dinner, I went to Isha’s room. I went to her bed and lay down. Isha slept with me since coming from granny’s house. I don’t know she will come today, or not. But one thing is clear if she doesn’t come I won’t be able to sleep.
I lay there with my eyes closed for a long time. Suddenly I heard footsteps. I heard her close the door. She crawling on the bed and lay down next to me.
“You have fallen asleep today without me,” She stated, caressing my head. I can tell by listening to her voice, she had a pout on her face while saying that. I was on top of her within a moment by flipping her. She gulped in shock.
“I can never be able to sleep without you,” I told her genuinely. She was staring at me and put her hand on my face. I leaned with her touch.
“You should sleep. You must be tired,” she said with her heart-melting smile.
“I am,” I whispered, lying beside her. She was combing my hair with her fingers. We were both looking at each other, lost in our thoughts.
“You will find me when you woke up. Now sleep,” she assured me suddenly which I needed most at this time. ‘Will I? For the rest of my life?’ I wanted to ask but refrained. Seeming my ambivalence, she cuddled into me. I smiled inwardly. She knows how to make me feel better. Within a moment I fell asleep holding her close to me. I wish I could do this forever.
The next morning I woke up and find my Princess beside me, sound asleep as she said. I kissed her forehead and tried to get up. But her hold on me grew tighter. My lips went upward at her action. I have no other option but to stay with her. I lay next to her for about an hour, admiring her beauty, her innocence.
I slowly removed her hand and got out of bed. After finishing my morning business, I went downstairs to the kitchen and found mum-mum was cooking.
“Do you need some help?” I asked approaching her. She looked at me and give me a genuine smile.
“Yes. You can make yourself a coffee or there is juice in the freezer,” she pointed towards the refrigerator.
“I prefer coffee now. Do you want one?” I asked her looking over my shoulder, and reaching the cupboard for coffee.
“Well, I don't mind having my son-in-law's hand-made coffee,” I chuckled hearing her. I made coffee for myself and mum-mum and gave her one cup. “Did you sleep well at night?” I nodded. I always sleep well when your daughter is beside me. I wanted to add. “How about the house? Do you like it?”
“Mum-mum, I don't know why this place seems oddly familiar to me,” Did I came here before. Who knows?
“Maybe Risha has spoken many times about this place,” I nodded. Maybe. Mum-mum and I talked for a long time.
“Bella, arrange the food on the table. And Abhiudey, can you wake Risha on my behalf?” I nodded and went to the room where my princess was sleeping peacefully, hugging my pillow as if it were me. I feel content seeing her like this. A part of me still wants to believe that she won't leave me. Sighing deeply, I went to her bed.
“Princess, rise and shine!” I said softly, removing the pillow from her hold. She groaned and pulled me to her and snuggled into me. I also wrapped my hand around her. ‘Princess, will you really leave me after two months?’ Suddenly I felt her stirred in my hold. She raised her head and looked at me with concern. Shit! I wrapped my hand tightly that caused her woke up.
“Why are you crying? Are you hurt?” she asked me worriedly, looking for any injury on me. Damn it. I didn’t realize I was crying. See princess, you can make Abhiudey Knight cry for you. I shook my head. “Then, did someone tell you something?” her expression turned worried to anger towards the person who hurt me. How protective she can be, my cute princess!
“Princess, do you think, I am the kind of person who will cry after someone dare to tell me something?” she shook her head cause she knows what I can do when someone disrespects me.
“Then why tears in your eyes?” ‘For the fear of losing you, the most precious treasure in my life.'
“Something went into my eyes,” I lied staring at her.
“Oh... Let me check,” she grabbed my face with her hand and began to blow in my eyes. I was staring at her lips and gulped.
“Princess, it’s gone. I am ok now. Go get fresh. Mum-mum is waiting for us with breakfast,” I told her quickly, fearing not being able to control myself from kissing her. She didn’t say anything, just was holding my face and looking deep into my eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, then close it again. After a few moments, she nodded and went to the bathroom.
What was that? I was something in her eyes. But couldn't say exactly what I saw. She came back after a while. We went downstairs where mum-mum was waiting for us.
Today is Akash uncle's death Anniversary. Mum-mum and Risha are both upset from the morning. Risha has controlled her emotion for mum-mum but I can still see it in her eyes. There were a lot of guests here. Everyone was getting ready to go back now. Risha went to bid goodbye to everyone while I spotted mum-mum in the garden. She was crying silently there. I went and sat beside her.
“It’s hurt when you lose the person you love with your life,” mum-mum said to me. Who knows it better than me. The fear of losing her hunts in your dream. I sighed remembering those things. “You know, Risha is a little bit stubborn but...” I cut her off in the middle.
“But she is cute. She has a pure heart,” she nodded. She knows her daughter better than I.
“So, don't lose her. Keep him with you for the rest of your life,” I also want it, mum-mum. But there was a ‘but’ in this matter.
“She has someone else in her life. I can't force her nor can you,” I told her gloomily. Mum-mum shook her head.
“You are her husband. You have the right to bind her with you. What you have to do is just wait,” she exaggerated. No, I can’t force her because I have the right. I won't ever.
“Mum-mum can we dropped the topic,” I don't have the heart to argue in this matter. Understanding me, she didn’t say anything. After a while, Risha came to us.
“Are you gossiping about me?” she asked us showing her fake frown.
“Yes. Mum-mum was saying that she loves me more than you,” I thought she will argue with me but no she just smiled? Mum-mum told me earlier how she used to argue with Alex about this. But why she smiled at me.
“You deserve that, Abhi,” she told me softly.
“Risha is right. You deserve to be loved,” mum-mum put her hand on my cheek.
“Thank you, mamma,” I hugged with one hand.
“Wh-what did you call me?” she asked in surprise.
“Mamma,” I replied with a smile. Yes, she has become a mother to me in a few days. “You are just like my mom. Can I call you mamma?” I asked her hopefully.
“Of course you can. You are also a son to me,” she said kissing on my forehead. We both had tears in our eyes.
“Okay, okay. Enough of your mother and son's crying. Now let's go. We are going to watch a movie together,” she dragged us to the living room.
“You enjoy the movie,” saying that mamma was about to leave but I stopped her.
“You are not going anywhere. We are gonna watch the movie together. And it’s also your favorite,” Mamma agreed to watch the movie. And it was ‘The Notebook’.
Two hours later now I understand why Isha's eyes went wide in shock when I said mamma's favorite. I couldn’t take it anymore. These two women made me cry with them.
“Abhi were you crying?” Isha asked me after the movie.
“Nope. I wasn’t,” I denied.
“Yes, you were. OMG. Breaking news, ‘The Abhiudey Knight was crying watching movie.’ Is it normal?” she teased me.
“Isha,” I warned her. But she stuck out her tongue. “Now wait for me to catch you,” she shrieked and started to run because she knew what I would do when I caught her. Yeah, tickle her. I chased after her. She hid behind mamma so that she can guard her.
“Now enough of your hid and seek game. Let's go for dinner,” mamma dragged us to the dining table. We finished our dinner. Then Isha took mamma to her room to put her sleep.
“Is she fall asleep?” I asked Isha when she came back. She nodded. “She must have been very tired.”
“Yeah, she is,” she said absentmindedly.
“What about you?” I asked putting a hand on her shoulder. She has managed everything today and that’s too perfect.
“Let's go out,” she told me hopefully. Did I tell you before, I can’t say no to her.
“Let’s go,” she gave me her brightest smile which always makes my heart skip a beat. We went out and after 30 minutes drive, she stopped the car near London bridge. We got out of the car. Isha took my hand and intertwining it we started walking over the bridge. Suddenly Isha stopped walking. I looked towards her.
“Are you tired? Do you wanna go back?” I asked her worriedly but she didn’t answer instead she took her hand away from mine. She looked nervous. I frowned in confusion. What happened to her? Everything was just fine between us.

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