Found her??

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Abhiudey POV

2 months later...

I don't know what is more painful, not having something or have something only to lose it. Before I was alone, there was no one with whom I could share anything. Then Isha came into my life like a blessing and I being an asshole I pushed her away.

Today is her birthday. Do you think time flies away so fast? Wrong. It doesn't when you are alone. It's been one year since I touched her, held her close, saw her smile; but it seemed like decades. I was spending the day at her favorite place, her secret beach. In the last year, I had come here a lot of times. Lying down beside the stream, watching fireflies and the stars made me missed her even more.

When the cool air hit my face and the sound of waves reached my ears, I remembered that I drifted off at the beach. I got up, my head felt heavy. Maybe the effect of sleeping at the beach. I went to my apartment, got fresh, and headed to the office.

I sat behind my desk and open the laptop, preparing today's presentation when Will came in. He was the best secretary I have ever had. I don't know how I would have handled all these without him. Still, I yelled at him when I got frustrated. He looked somehow relieved and nervous at the same time.

"Just don't stand here. Speak if you have to," I jeered at him when he didn't say anything.

"Sir, Mr. Parker called me yesterday. I tried to contact you but your phone was unreachable," I sighed when he didn't speak further.

"Spill it now," I ordered him to speak.

"They expect that Risha mam might be in CA," as soon as he said that I shut my laptop down and told him to prepare the jet. I am leaving right now. "But sir they aren't sure about it. And CA is a huge state. You don't know the exact location," he tried to reason but I wasn't going to listen.

"I don't wanna miss any possibilities. I don't care CA is larger or not. I know where she can be. Now GET THE JET READY RIGHT NOW," Will left the room and I went back to my own thought.


"Hey, what are you doing with my laptop?" I asked Isha, walking out of the bathroom. She was on the bed, playing with my laptop.

"Changing its wallpaper. The last one sucks," she shrugged.

"Hey... that was cool," I whined like a child and placed myself on the bed beside her.

"Really? A black skull and cross bone – do you think that's cool!" she told me like it's the most unbelievable thing in the world. "Now, it looks good. Hmm. Perfect," she set a beach photo. It really looked awesome.

"Which beach it is?" she gave me a cheeky grin. God, this girl can kill me with her smile!

"Laguna beach in California," she started gushing about this place. And I was staring at her, listening to her talking as a silent listener. Her voice is so sweet, the movement of her lips when she talking makes me breathless. She is a wonderful woman I have ever met.

"Looks like it's your favorite place," I murmured still looking at her smilingly.

"Hell, yeah. It is. But I didn't go there before," her eyes were sad when she told the last part. She loves beaches and if it was what she wanna see I will show her.

"Umm...Then, let's go there next summer," she looked at me like I have said the most incredible word.

"Really! You are the best, Abhi!" she squealed excitedly and jumped at me. I grabbed her quickly and held her close. Being close to her gave me a heavenly feeling. I love the closeness between us.

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