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Abhiudey POV

Sweat was forming on my forehead. My leg went numb, I couldn't move them. I wanted to scream, wanted to tell her to stop but I couldn't. I watched her go away. "No. Don't go, princess. Please, stay," I shouted my lung out. But my voice didn't reach her. "Princess..." I screamed at the top of my lung and sat down in a jerk. I gasp for air.

Again the same dream which hunted me for the past 14 days since she left. It all started after her birthday. The happiest day of my life, we were both drunk. I was so happy when she told me she was a virgin. She gave it to a jerk like me. When I woke up in the morning I got tensed, if she repents for the night. I was so nervous that I left her alone in the bed. When she came into the kitchen, I wanted to talk to her but that doorbell disturbed us.

I became angry when I got Isha's father's letter for her from the watchman. Why can't they just leave her alone? Did they ever consider her feelings? I hide the latter from Isha. If she knew about the latter, she would be sad. Inside the car, I was thinking about how I could ruin Mishra Industries. I didn't do it before cause they are Isha's parents but now they were trying to hurt my princess. My Princess. I won't let them get away.

"Abhi, stop the car I saw Alex," her words pierced through my chest. I couldn't process anything inside my head. I abruptly stopped the car without thinking about any kind of accident. I asked her to make sure I heard wrong. But unfortunately, I didn't. I saw her crying for him and it broke me. She was crying for her love. She still loved him. Is my love nothing to her? Seeing her suffering for someone else torn my heart apart. The pain was suffocating me. I couldn't breathe inside the car.

I reassured her that I would find her love. It didn't matter I would be happy or not, didn't matter I would be able to live without her or not. But it's her happiness I can die for. She embraced me and I also hugged her as my life depend on her. I was so scared, I was about to lose her. I went to my office after I dropped her and ordered Will to find Alex. Will gave me all the details about Alex after few hours. I took Isha to his apartment and that pig-headed hurt my princess. How dare him! I wanted to punch him so badly but refrained myself. I didn't find Isha outside after I came out of his apartment. I went to our apartment but she wasn't there. Then I thought she must be on the beach where she usually goes when she is upset.

I have seen her bubbly, stubborn, rebellious personality but have never seen her this vulnerable. Seeing her distress, just added my burden of pain. That night I hold her until she falls asleep while crying. She said she couldn't lose him and here I thought she must have some feelings for Me? Ridiculous! From that night I tried to keep my distance from her. I had to. She wasn't mine.

After one week I went to the hospital to have lunch with Isha just to cheer her up. When I didn't find her I asked Andrew about her. He said he saw her went to the rooftop. I went there and saw she hugged Alex. But what hurts the most is they confessing to each other. They still love each other. My princess doesn't need me. I couldn't stand there anymore. I stormed out of there and went to my apartment. I didn't go to pick her up cause I knew Alex would do it happily. But it was late and I was worried for her, then I heard the car's horn. I saw Isha and Alex through the window. They hugged each other. My insecurities got the best of me and I started acting like a jerk towards her so that she could leave and stay with her love.

I tried to avoid her, insult her but still, she didn't leave me. Definitely, she considered me as her good friend whom she couldn't leave alone. Then I did the last thing any wife can bear. I kissed a random girl in front of her. Yet she was ready to believe me, who was she... Goddess! The light of my darkness. Unfortunately, I couldn't keep my Sunshine with me. I saw her left my apartment which I desperately wanted to call 'ours'. I wanted to stop her, wanted to hug her, wanted to keep her in my arms but I couldn't.

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