I am angry with her!

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Abhiudey POV
“Princess, hadn't I promise that we will come here again?” I tried to convince her since morning. She nodded every time. Then again got upset. “Then why are upset now?” I asked her for nth time. We were on our way to airport. And I tried to cheer up her mood.
“I will miss, granny,” she muttered with a pout. I didn't think at first that she would accept my granny within seconds. Then again she has a pure heart which can give countless love to anyone.
My cute little jealous wifey. When she blushed, her cheek became a dark shade of pink. And when she is jealous or angry, she can kill someone by her one look. If looks could kill, the girl who was flirting with me yesterday, would have been dead within 10 seconds.
She has her own way to make me happy, to make me forget my agony. She fell asleep in the flight and I kept staring at her shamelessly. The flight landed after hours but I haven't the heart to wake her up, so I carried her to my car, drive her to the apartment and laid her down on her bed.
I went to my room after put her to her bed. I went to the bathroom, took a long shower for refreshment. And I am ready for bed. Though I know I wouldn't get any sleep, I laid dawn on the bed. I was laying here for hours, but sleep doesn't came. That moment I heard footsteps behind me. My bed dipped a little and I felt someone beside me. I don't need to open my eyes to tell who is the person. She intertwined our hand.
“You don't need to worry. I will be here when you woke up,” I wish she would add a 'forever'. Then she started to comb my hair with her another hand. A few minutes later, she put her hand on my face. “Abhi. Your temperature a little bit high,” she whispered warily.
“I will be okay, princess.” I reassured her, glancing at her.
“When will you learn to take care of yourself?” she told me sadly caressing my face.
“I don't need to. I have you to take care of me,” I admitted genuinely. But I don't know what will I do, when you won't be around.
“Wait, I am going to bring some medicine.” I grabbed her hand before she went to fetch the medicine. I pulled her towards me so hard that she fell on my chest. I hugged him tightly.
“I don't need any medicine. You just hug me like this and I'll be fine,” She is my medicine. I don't need anything else if my princess is by my side. She hugged me in the same way without saying anything.
After a while, I felt like she was asleep. My sleep beauty. She loves her sleep a lot. ‘Princess, if I tell you never leave me, will you listen to me?’ I whispered in her hairs. As if she heard me and hummed in between her sleep. I smiled to myself at this. And I fell asleep cuddling her close to me.
A few days later when I came to the hospital to meet Risha for lunch, I saw Aditi. She was walking towards the roof and I followed her. No one else was there when she reached the roof. I walked over to her.
“Aditi, what are you doing here? What's that in your hand?” I pointed the file in her hand and asked her.
“It's nothing,” She replied in panic. Something is wrong.
“What do you mean by nothing. Let me see,” I took the file forcibly from him and started looking at it. But seeing the file, I stood frozen on the spot. “Who did this?” I asked her coldly but she didn't say anything. “Aditi speak! Who is the father of this baby?” I know I am frightening my own sister but I can't help myself.
“Abhiudey! You are frightening her. Calm down. We can talk like civilized person,” when Andrew came to the roof, he told me to calm down.
“Calm down!” I said sarcastically. “How can you expect me to calm down? A boy has made my sister pregnant and you are telling me to calm down!” I shouted at Andrew.
“That boy is none other than me,” Andrew admitted. Then I saw everything red. I jumped on him and started to beating him. I don’t know how long I was beating him, but I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Abhi, please stop. I don't want to see you like that,” Hearing Isha’s pleading, I left Andrew and stood up. Aditi went to Andrew and helped him to get up.
“Princess, you don't know what he did to my sister. He has made her pregnant,” she looked down at the ground when I told her.
“I know,” her voice was almost inaudible but I managed to heard her somehow.
“You knew,” I whispered to myself. “You didn't even feel the need to tell me once,” I felt betrayed. My princess hid this word from me. It gave me more pain than the news of Aditi's pregnancy. “How did you do that to me?”
“Abhi! I-I a-am sorry. I..” she was going to say something more but I shook my head.
“No. I don't wanna hear anything. I don't..” Saying this, I left.
“Abhi stop. PLEASE listen to me. Abhi, please wait,” Risha called me from behind, but I did not look back. I went to my office and told Will to cancel all the meeting.
“But sir, the meeting is so important for our company,” Will exaggerated. I was beyond angry to think about anything.
“I told you to cancel all the meetings,” I yelled at him. “I know what is good for a company or not. Get the hell out of my room. Don’t come here until I call you back,” I screamed at him and kicked him out of the room. I spent the whole afternoon alone in my office room.
I left the office in the evening and went to a bar. I need some drink to clear my head. Risha and Aditi called me many times, but I did not pick up the phone. When I went inside the bar, I ordered drink from the bartender.
I looked at my phone and got a lot of messages from Aditi. I ignored them at first but her one text caught my eye. It says: ‘Risha was innocent. When she found out, she was very angry with us for not telling you. Don't blame her for what she didn't do. It's our fault, not her. Please talk to her.’
What have I done! I yelled at my princess. She must have hurt a lot. I ran my fingers over my hairs. I gulped down the whole content of the glass at once. I have to go to my princess. I was too drunk to drive, I can't even stand up straight.. But my princess need me. I somehow managed to get in the car. I started driving at full speed.
But my luck always interfered with my plan. A police stopped my car and told me to get out of the car. Fucking hell. I need to hurry.
“Sir, you are highly drunk. You can't drive the car. Leave it here,” who the hell is he prevents me from going to my princess.
“You can't stop me. You don't know me. I am Abhiudey Knight,” I shouted at him.
“We don’t need to know who you are. You can’t drive the car now and it's final.”
“Who the hell are you to stop Abhiudey Knight?” I barked at him, grabbing his collar.
I was not in a position to understand anything good or bad. I only knew one thing I had to go to my princess as soon as possible. And no one can stop me. Without thinking anything, I punched him so hard. And within moments, his companions came and grabbed me. I tried to free myself but fail due to my drunken state.

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