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The battlefield was filled with dust and smoke carried by the breeze, but as it cleared, Kimimaro stood still and stoic in the grassy plain, surrounded by Naruto and his last five clones.

Naruto's clones charged at Kimimaro, trampling the grass beneath their feet and throwing punches and kicks, but he easily dodged every attack with his eyes closed. Suddenly, he lowered himself and swept his bone sword horizontally, slapping the legs of Naruto and his clones, throwing them off balance. He then swiped his blade again, dispersing the clones upon contact.

As he straightened his back, Kimimaro focused on Naruto and stated, "And then there was one."

Naruto gritted his teeth, impressed by Kimimaro's skills, "Dammit... He's really good. Even with all of those shadow clones, not a single blow landed."

As the barrel containing Sasuke started to fizzle, dark chakra leaked out and Kimimaro glanced back, "It's almost time, the first step of Orochimaru-sama's ambition."

The basket burst open and dust obscured their vision. As the dust cleared, Sasuke Uchiha emerged from the basket, his hair tall and dark blue, his skin taking on a dark greyish shade as dark chakra fluttered around him. After a while, his hair reverted back to its usual shade of onyx black and his skin returned to its normal pale complexion.

Upon seeing his teammate and friend, Naruto's eyes brightened and he exclaimed, "Sasuke!" However, Sasuke had his back turned and was looking down at his hands.

Naruto's excitement grew as he waved his hands childishly, "What are you doing here with these guys, Sasuke? Let's go back! Come on!"

The once lively grassy terrain fell into an eerie silence as Sasuke stood, his back still turned to him. Suddenly, Sasuke's lips twisted into a wicked grin and he started to chuckle, the sound growing louder by the second. As he raised his hands in a maniacal gesture, the chuckles turned into an eerie laugh that echoed across the silent plain.

Naruto was caught off guard by his friend's strange behavior and exclaimed, "Can't you hear me, damn it!?" But Sasuke paid no attention to his words and dashed off into the forest, prompting Naruto to chase after him.

However, before Naruto could reach Sasuke, Kimimaro appeared behind him and attacked, as Kimimaro's blade inched closer his face. Suddenly, a voice rang out, "LEAF HOT WIND!" and a young man in a green jumpsuit appeared, kicking Kimimaro away as he landed next to Naruto.

The young man squatted with his right hand shifted forward and the other behind his back, like an elderly man. His bushy eyebrows furrowed as he kept his gaze fixed on the bone user, introducing himself, "The proud Blue Beast of the Leaf has been reborn... I am Rock Lee!"


Yeuri keeled over, laughing haughtily as he clutched his stomach. Menma looked at him with mixture of frustration, caution and slight fear. Menma shifted his gaze from Yeuri's face to Yeuri's feet so as not to get trapped in another genjutsu. He knew this enemy was strong, stronger than his current self.

"Kurama, we need to end this fast. He's too dangerous to be left alive." Menma whispered to his tailed beast as he clutched the hilt of his sword sporting a serious and determined expression.

Yeuri's laughing fit soon came to an end as he smiled at his opponent, "Hmm? Should I fight with a sword aswell?" He questioned rhetorically as his smile turned into a cocky grin.

Menma ignored his words as he felt a warm sensation permeate his body, Kurama's chakra slowly made its way from his abdomen until it fully encased his body in a deep reddish-purple hue.

Menma's ocean like irises were overtaken by a blood red, shade darker than the sharingan as his pupils elongated becoming slitted similar to that of a cat.

With Kurama's chakra fully flowing through his body, Menma felt an immense surge of power. He drew his sword, ready to face Yeuri with all his might.

Yeuri's grin widened as he molded his chakra into the form of blades on his palms, it was a technique he copied from Kabuto, "Interesting, you've awakened your beast's power. But do you really think that's enough to defeat me?" he taunted.

Menma didn't respond, instead he charged forward, his sword glinting in the sunlight. Yeuri met him head-on, dodging and weaving with ease. The two clashed swords, their weapons creating sparks as they collided.

Menma quickly realized that Yeuri was not just strong but also incredibly fast. He knew he had to come up with a plan if he was to stand a chance against this enemy.

Yeuri ducked beneath a horizontal strike form Menma and sliced vertically with his left hand as it grazed the body of Menma, who barely managed to dodge the sudden attack by taking a step back.

Menma gritted his teeth as he sliced down HARD, Yeuri slipped from beneath him as Menma's sword collided with the grassy ground. Menma looked to his right to see Yeuri taking a stance.

'I've never seen that stance before...' Menma thought.

Yeuri slowly lowered his body as he assumed a squatting position, slowly shifting his right leg to the front, his right arm almost fully stretched, his left hand balled into a fist pressing the appendage close to his body as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

'I don't like where this is going...'

Menma clenched his sword, dashing towards his opponent in a wide arc, his blade uprooting the soil and grass as he closed in. Menma took flight bringing his sword above his head preparing to deliver a downward slash.

Yeuri opened his eyes, his sharingan spun languidly as he punched, it was all but a blur to Menma. The only thing he knew for certain was that pain was inflicted upon his body namely his solar plexus, abdomen and chest. Yeuri's fist had slammed into Menma's body so fast that he didn't even realize his opponent had moved.

"What...the hell...?" Menma's sword clattered to the ground, his hands hanging loosely at his sides as his face morphed into that of pure agony, blood came gushing from his lips, wheezing as he fell to his knees, his hands limp at his sides as it brushed against the now bloodied blades of grass.

"KIT?!" Kurama shouted from within his host.

'What... just happened?' Menma thought as his eyes returned to normal. Menma was on his knees his head hung low, his body refusing to get up.

Yeuri stood before Menma, running his finger's through his opponent's raven hair before grabbing it by the roots as he slowly lifted the Uzumaki off the ground to meet his gaze. Menma was unable to do a thing, his bodily functions had all shut down, only his brain and heart were still in use.

Yeuri's eyes spun, reverting back to it's usual shade of onyx black as he spoke, "It was fun while it lasted, but I have a job to do," He said as a grin made its way up his cheeks, "I look forward to meeting you again, when you are stronger."

Yeuri released Menma's hair, watching a he fell limply to the ground, his vision swimming and his consciousness slowly fading away. Yeuri turned to walk away but stopped and opened his mouth to speak.

"Oh, and before I forget!" Yeuri added as he turned to face Menma who's consciousness was barely present, "I will be taking your-" Yeuri spoke but stopped, realizing Menma had already succumbed to the pain and fell unconscious.

"If you didn't want to know, you could have just said so," Yeuri shrugged as he made his way to his target, leaving the unconscious Menma on the ground.


A/N: Whew... L after L after L, my guy just can't catch a break, Tbh I'd just quit ATP if I were him.

Yeuri has shown that he is a highly skilled fighter by completely outclassing Menma in all areas, dominating the whole fight from start to finish and that wasn't even him going all out. Menma will have to come back better at everything if he plans to best Yeuri in a fight.

Anyways guys, don't forget to vote, comment and share ;)

Karma out✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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