Sparring at the Academy

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A/n: Random person = R/p

Upon our arrival at the training grounds, we sat down on the ground and silently awaited Iruka sensei's instructions.

"Alright, kids, who wants to go first?" Iruka asked, to which a boy raised his hand.

"That's that annoying kid from earlier," Menma muttered to himself.

Iruka continued, "Would anyone like to be his opponent?...No one? Okay, I'll choose-" But he was interrupted by the boy.

"Sensei, I would like to spar against Menma Uzumaki." The boy suggested with a sly grin creeping up his lips as he pointed into the crowd.

Iruka glanced over his students to find Menma sitting silently at the very back with his twin next to him, "How about you, Menma?" He asked.

Menma sat for a moment before shaking his head lightly as he smirked. This was almost too perfect. "Sure, I don't mind." Standing up, he strode purposefully up to the ring.

"Both of you, do the spar sign."

R/p looked pleased with himself as he stepped forward to face Menma, "I'm gonna beat you to a pulp." He whispered, his fingers forming into the sign required.

Menma raised his hand as he too formed the spar sign, "Try it."

The other students gathered around the sparring area, eager to watch the match.

Iruka lifted his arm. "Begin!"

Menma and R/p took their positions, facing each other. Menma simply stood in place as he waited for R/p to make the first move. Iruka watched intently, ready to intervene if necessary.

"Let's get this over with." Menma yawned much to the other boy's ire.

Rushing forward, R/p threw a punch at Menma's face which he easily sidestepped, almost causing the boy to lose his balance. Regaining his footing, R/p charged at Menma once more, flinging a flurry of punches and kicks that Menma dodged with relative ease, occasionally parrying a blow or two before distancing himself again by causing R/p to over extend his reach and stumble forward.

Menma smirked at the staggering child. "All bark and no bite. I'd expect nothing less from a nobody." He taunted, circling the youth with an almost mocking gaze.

Growling, R/p rushed at Menma again, throwing another punch at him, but Menma just dodged it again. As R/p continued to throw punches and kicks at Menma, the latter dodged them all while yawning in boredom.

"You done yet?" Menma asked, clearly unimpressed.

The crowd burst out laughing, and R/p's face turned red with anger.

"Shut up! You're just a coward who's afraid to fight!" He yelled.

Menma levelled the boy a calm gaze, "I'm not. I just don't see the point in wasting my time on someone like you."

Raising his leg, Menma slammed his foot into his stomach, causing the boy to keel over and fall to a knee, "See?" Menma smirked, looking down his nose at the kneeling boy, "A waste of time."

Menma turned around with his hands in his pockets as he strolled away from the heaving child. That should be enough punishment for what he did to Naruto-

Menma whipped around, ducking beneath a palm strike aimed for his head before grabbing said hand and heaving the owner over his shoulder then onto the ground, eliciting a shout of pain from the boy.

Menma rammed his foot into his gut, sending the boy skidding across the floor, now clutching at his gut while glaring at him with pure white eyes pronounced with a myriad of veins.

Iruka intervened and called an end to the match. "Stop! That's enough. Menma is the winner," He declared, rushing to the downed boy who now lurched over on the ground with a defiant scowl.

The boy attempted to get up again, but was denied both by the pain in his stomach and the hand of Iruka.

The crowd fell silent, amazed at Menma's combat prowess.

Naruto walked up to Menma with a smile and said, "I knew you could do it, Menma! You're amazing!"

Menma gave Naruto a small smile in return, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment, "Of course I am."

Sasuke, on the other hand, sneered at Menma. "Hn, arrogant prick..." He muttered under his breath.

After seeing to it that R/p wasn't in any serious condition, Iruka walked over to Menma and congratulated him. "Well done, Menma. Your control and technique were impressive," He said while patting him on the back, "Though, it would be good to learn how to pull your punches- er, kicks in this instance."

R/p slowly got back up, looking bruised and defeated, and glared at Menma in silence.

Iruka then turned to the rest of the class and asked, "Who's next?" as the sparring session continued.

A/n: The next fight is with Naruto and Sasuke but I'm not gonna change the results.

Iruka announced, "And the winner is Sasuke Uchiha."

Sakura and Ino squealed in excitement, exclaiming how dreamy Sasuke was.

Naruto and Sasuke reached out to grab each other's collar, glaring as they argued.

Iruka intervened, exasperated. "Hey, break it up, you two!" He sighed and separated the two.

Reluctantly, Naruto and Sasuke backed away from each other, still glaring as they walked back to separate places in the crowd.

Iruka then addressed the class, "Alright, that's enough for today. We'll continue the sparring matches tomorrow. Remember to practice your techniques and come prepared!"

The students gathered their belongings and left the training grounds. Naruto and Sasuke continued to shoot angry glances at each other as they walked away in opposite directions. Menma followed behind, lost in thought about his own training and the promise of knowledge from Odin.

While walking, Menma noticed a strange figure lurking in the shadows. The man wore a long coat and a fedora hat, and watched them with a sinister grin.

"Hey, who's that guy over there?" Menma asked, pointing to the figure.

Naruto turned around to look, but the man had disappeared by the time he turned back.

"What guy? I don't see anyone," Naruto said.

"Let's just go home. It's probably nothing." He added, locking his arms around his head as he trudged on.

However, Menma couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He made a mental note to keep an eye out for the mysterious figure in the fedora.

Upon entering their apartment, Naruto and Menma ate ramen and eggs for dinner, and cleaned the house before flopping onto their bed.

"I'm beat... Goodnight, Menma," Naruto said, letting out a yawn.

"Night, bro," Menma replied.

Menma drifted off to sleep, thinking he would have a dreamless night. However, heard a strange voice in his ears as he closed his eyes.

"Greetings, chosen one."

Naruto: A Second Chance At LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz