48-A Dog's Journey

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A/N: I apologize for how slowly I've been updating this story. I had already pre written everything up until about ten chapters ago so it was just a matter of uploading each chapter. The closer I get to the end the harder time I'm having coming up with what to write. We're heading down the home stretch though and I plan to finish in the next 2 or 3 chapters unless I come up with something I want to add to the storyline. Thank you for all the reads, comments and votes, especially those of you that have read from the very beginning.

"I sure hope this ain't gonna be another member of the union of discouraged men, we're goin' to meet up with." Arthur mumbles, in reference to whoever it was they were to meet with at the post office in Annesburg.

"Union of what?" K questions, sounding confused.

"Aah, that group a fellers that Alden is a part of. The clerk at the Rhodes train station, along with his buddy Hector in Strawberry and Trelawny too I s'pose."

"Oh, right. Alden. I don't know, I always kinda liked Alden." She confesses with a light chuckle.

"Yeah, he's not such a bad fella, I'd just rather not have someone that can be so easily bought, knowin' where we're at."

"I suppose that's a good point."

The two guide their horses down the road into the soot covered mining town of Annesburg and approach the train station.

"We're about an hour early. How bout you go on in an give a quick look around the station, see if anyone looks familiar while I stay here an keep an eye on the horses and our uh, luggage." Arthur suggests.

K hops down off of Buell and casually heads into the station and looks around for any familiar faces. She gives the clerk a quick nod then checks with him for any mail or messages, of which he has none, before she goes to stand in front of the bulletin board to read over all of the locals postings at a very leisurely pace, taking her time on each posting.

"Anything interesting posted today?" A familiar transatlantic accent ask's suddenly from right next to her.

"Josiah!" She greets the dapper gentleman that had silently approached from her left, offering him a big smile and a hug.

"Hello my dear! It's wonderful to see you, safe and sound. I assume Arthur is here as well?"

"Yeah, he's with the horses. How long have you been here waiting for us?"

"I just arrived actually. Yesterday Mrs. Adler was here for the afternoon, keeping an eye out for you two and today it was my turn. The idea being we leave the waiting around town to those of us that are still not so well known, of course." He says in a hushed tone as he casually kept an eye on their surroundings. "Shall we be on our way to join the rest of the family?" He asks while gesturing one arm towards the door and offering his other as an elbow for her to take.

"Yes, uncle Joe. I can't wait to see them." She smiles as she loops her arm around his and they head out to where Arthur sat with the horses in front of the gun shop.

"See? What I tell ya. Discouraged man." Arthur chuckles with a shake of his head as he sees K and Josiah approaching.

"It's good to see you too, dear boy! Shall we be on our way? Probably best not to dawdle."

As they travel, Trelawny fills them in on all of the details of what had happened back at Lakay. Apparently Milton's partner Edgar Ross took over Milton's position in the agency and had been the one behind the ambush. Everyone in the gang made it out safe. Being under new leadership, the Pinkerton's were very unorganized and it wasn't very difficult to overtake them but Ross did manage to get away unharmed.

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