25-Riders On The Storm

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Warning-chapter contains smut...will mark beginning and end with a *

Over the course of the next week K and Arthur had very limited time alone together and as a result of not being given an opportunity for any further intimacy since their first and only union, the heat was building for them both.

Arthur's hands had been full. Between stealing the Braithwaite's prized horses and burning the Gray's tobacco fields to a smoldering pile of ash he had taken on playing the role of Cupid for two young star crossed lovers. The boy, Beau Gray, was a young man with his head in the clouds and his rank at the bottom of the Gray's totem pole. The girl, Penelope Braithwaite, was a young woman with ideas above her station, aspirations of equal rights for women and dreams of becoming Beau's wife.

Arthur was liking Dutch's whole "plan" that involved the two families less and less with every passing day and despite Hosea and himself saying as much, their leader wasn't hearing it. Since Micah had been stuck around camp with his leg up, the greasy leach had established his seat of choice to be right alongside Dutch, talking in his ear and manipulating him to suit his own needs and ideas.

As for K, her time had been filled with supplying meat to keep the stew pot stocked. She had also joined Bill, Lenny and Karen on a heist to rob the Valentine Bank which ended up being a highly profitable venture with minimal casualties, earning the four of them high levels of praise and adulation from Dutch and some of their fellow gang members. Micah of course not being one of them, as he snarled profanities under his breath throughout Dutch's speech of praise.

She also built a new friendship with Molly since they'd gone out to the Rhodes Parlour House and enjoyed a night of drinks and blackjack with each other. She definitely preferred the friendly conversations they shared now far more than the dirty, insecure looks of a jealous girlfriend that she'd been casting her way before their night out.

K was chopping vegetables at the prep table for Mr. Pearson when Arthur rode in on Artemis. He tied her to the hitching post and offered her a sugar cube which she crunched down eagerly before he scanned the camp looking for K. His eyes locked onto her standing at the cooks table with her back to him. He couldn't help but to take in her form, his gaze lingering on her firm round ass and how nicely her pants hugged her every curve. He felt the blood rush to his manhood at the thought of what he knew was under those pants. He headed her direction like a lion stalking its prey. He looked around to make sure no one was in their line of sight before pushing up against her from behind, grinding himself against her backside.

"Mmm, darlin', I'm gonna lose it if we keep on like this." His low voice rumbled in her ear, causing her to tremble.

"You don't think I know? You're the one that keeps getting called off to one job after another." She breathed, leaning her head against him and exposing her neck to him which he gladly accepted by kissing and gently biting at the soft skin, working his way up to behind her ear causing K to let out a quiet moan. "Fuck Arthur, you're making me so wet."

Arthur let out a deep predatory growl into her hair. "Don't I know it baby girl." He rumbled as he forced himself to pull away and release his grasp at the sound of Pearson whistling to himself as he approached from around the side of the wagon.

"Aah! Hello Arthur! How are things with you on this fine day?" Mr. Pearson greeted Arthur.

"A bit tense if I'm bein honest Pearson." Arthur responded as he tipped his hat to K before heading over towards Dutch's tent.

After finishing with the vegetables K looks for Arthur around camp but finds no sign of him. Upon noticing Artemis was no longer tied next to Orion she came to the conclusion that he'd left again, on another errand.

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