12-Honor Bound

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~3 hours later~

They had managed to securely and properly dispose of all the bodies. Charles enjoyed learning more about Tacoma from her while they worked. Kay liked this man. He told her the legend his mother used to tell him about the great mountain shadow wolf and how he never had actually seen one before this and how he was afraid to blink when he finally did see him out of fear that he might disappear that quickly.

She could tell how highly he respected not only Tacoma but nature in general. She thought about it and finally came to the conclusion that it would be safe to let him see the "Great Wolf" up close and personal.

"Charles, would you like to meet him?"

Charles' face went stoic. He wasn't sure what to say.

"I've heard how you talk and your thoughts and basically your overall level of respect and I'm not picking up any alarms or bad vibes on your character and I truly believe I can trust you enough to allow a basic, quick introduction." She explained.

"Kay, I would be honored...yes, please." He replied.

She laughed slightly to herself and turned towards the woods then gave a couple clicks with her tongue and called for Tacoma by name. Almost immediately there was a rustle in the brush as it parted and out stalked the massive, legendary, black wolf. Charles eyes widened slightly as the animal cautiously moved forward, headed towards his "mother".

 Charles eyes widened slightly as the animal cautiously moved forward, headed towards his "mother"

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"Come here boy, it's okay." She coaxed him to her. He pushed closer, head down, not once taking his yellow eyes off of Charles.

"He's beautiful." Charles said simply.

"Isn't he though? Good boy, Tacoma." She continued to speak quiet, comforting words of affirmation to the large animal. As he reached Kay, who kneeled on one knee as did Charles next to her, he slightly relaxed and leaned into his "mothers" touch as she pet him and scratched behind his ears, reassuring him that everything was okay. With the pair on their knees he stood well above them. He stood what had to be 4 feet at the shoulder and at least 6 feet long. Kay reached out for Charles' hand and took it into her own then reached out towards Tacoma's nose. He carefully reached out and sniffed the strangers hand, his scent intermingled with his mothers and he cautiously relaxed into Charles's touch, allowing him to scratch behind his ear. Kay could feel Charles shaking ever so slightly from the adrenaline rush.

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Under The Eyes of The Wolf (an rdr2 Arthur Morgan x oc story)Where stories live. Discover now