29-Never Send A Man To Do A Woman's Job

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The following day K and Sadie stood by the main campfire looking on as Dutch, Hosea, Arthur and John all gathered in Dutch's tent for going on an hour, discussing and arguing over what their next steps should be going forward in regards to the situation involving the Braithwaite's failed attempt at taking Jack.

"Ya know if they spent half as much time doing as they do planning they'd already had it taken care of." K says in a hushed voice to Sadie.

"No kidding. And look at Micah, lingering around the outside of the tent eavesdropping as usual. Pathetic." Sadie added.

"I don't understand what the big debate is over. They need to go deal with that hag or she's just gonna try it again."

"Mhm...or someone does at least." Sadie says as she turned slightly to look at K out of the corner of her eye, raising an eyebrow. K looks side eyed at Sadie, a devious grin crossing her lips. K and Sadie both casually turn to head over out of earshot of anyone else, behind the provisions wagon.

"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" K whispers to Sadie.

"Maybe. If you want to also than I am."

"Hell yeah, I'm down. Just you and me, we sneak in all quiet, nobody knowing we're there, we track down that bitch and put the screws to her!"

"Okay, alright...You know we're gonna probably get into a lot of trouble if we attempt this and succeed and then a whole lot of another kind of trouble if we attempt this and don't succeed." Sadie points out.

"Yeah, they'll get pissed either way it goes if we try it. Then again let them. I'll say it was all my idea. After all, it was my wolf that saved Jack and it's my wolf that would be in harms way if more of those Braithwaite boys come looking for the boy." She stated defiantly.

"There ya go. I'll grab my rifle and meet you at the main road, so we don't draw any attention to ourselves by leaving together."

"All right. I'll head out now."

                                       • • • • •

K and Sadie left their horses far enough back out of sight to avoid detection by any of the patrolling Braithwaites. They crept in on foot and found a hiding spot in the trees to scope out the house. K scanned the windows through her binoculars, looking for any sign of the Braithwaite matriarch.

"See anything?" Sadie asked K who had climbed up in a tree for a better view.

"See anything?" Sadie asked K who had climbed up in a tree for a better view

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"Not yet...wait, maybe. I don't see her but I do see a lot of action around this room here. Wait, I think it's the master bedroom so she's probably in there. Yep. There she is." K reported.

"So how you wanna go about this?" Sadie asked.

"Hmmm...I've got a better idea than what we were originally planning. It's too dangerous to go up in that house to get to her, there's just way too many guards." K surmised.

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