19-Raiders Of The Lost Shine

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Kay woke up the following morning alone in Arthur's cot. The flaps were still drawn closed but the sun shone through brightly. She got up and took her clothes from the table and lay them out in front of her on the cot. She removed Arthur's shirt and folded it neatly before setting it on his trunk at the foot of his bed. She was pulling her pants on with her back turned as Arthur entered the tent.

"Oh, shit! Aaahhh....I apologize Kay, I shoulda knocked." He stumbles over his words as he covers his eyes after walking in to see the bare, exposed skin of her back.

"It's your tent Arthur, don't apologize." She smiles as she puts her vest on. "You can look now"

Arthur removed his hand from his eyes. "Yeah, well, I can't really say I'm sorry, truth be told." He says with a smirk, getting a laugh from Kay.

"You hungry? There's some stew out there if ya are." He offers. She finishes looping her gun belt and Arthur assists her in hanging her shoulder holster over her shoulders.

"I'll just have some fruit or something. I try to keep it light this early."

"There's plenty of fruit over at the provisions wagon as well." He smiles as he holds the main flap open for her to exit. The two head over to the provisions wagon where Kay grabs an apple and a piece of bread and Arthur grabs a bowl and spoon then heads to the stew pot.

"Good morning Kay." Charles greets from over by the fire that's at the opposite end of the provisions wagon. She heads over and sits down next to him.

"Hey you." She greets, bumping his shoulder with her own as she takes a bite out of her apple. Arthur comes over and sits on her other side with his bowl of stew in hand.

"Oi! When did we get a new pretty face in camp?" A loud obnoxious Irish accent asks before Kay sees the ginger haired young man it belongs to come sit across the fire from her. "Cripes! Look at dose two ugly mugs on either soid of ye!"

Kay looks to either side to see both Charles and Arthur sitting with very unamused expressions on their faces, looking like a couple of guard dogs on duty. She catches herself by placing her hand over her mouth, preventing a laugh from escaping.

"Am I roight? Com'ere." He says with a laugh as he takes her by the hand and guides her over to sit by him. "Ya got a name, lass?" The Irishman asks.

"Kay. How about you?" She introduces herself.

"Sean Maguire." He responds with a large smile. "Pleasure's mine, lassie. I'm da one you should be cozyin' up to, not dem two sour pusses. Dem two owld tymers ain't no fun! Ol' Seany boy is where da fun's at." He laughs while putting his arm around her. "So what brings ya to da family? Are you da one ol' Dutch was talkin' bout savin' his neck in Valentine? Wait a minute love, dat would mean YER da one dats got our ol' Englishman here all hot n' bottered! Heh, heh, Artur you ol' dog! But I gotta say, you'd be far better....."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa......no offense kid, but do you ever stop talking? I mean I can't recall ever hearing one person talk so much but say so damn little." She interjects as she pats the kid on the leg before standing up to go sit between Arthur and Charles again. Charles, Arthur, Pearson, Hosea and Javier all laugh at her observation from where they're each seated.

"Laugh it up, yer all just jealous! Foyn, I see how ya are! Yule com 'round when deez geezers can't keep up!" Sean waved them off as he left to go take over guard duty.

"Sometimes I regret going to save him and not letting them have him." Charles says to Arthur who nods in agreement.

"I kinda like the kid. It'll be fun giving him a hard time." She admits, earning a chuckle from both men.

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