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WARNING-SMUT AHEAD! DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 OR GET OFFENDED BY CRUDE EXPLICIT SEXUAL DEPICTIONS! (I'll put a * at the beginning and end of the smut if you'd rather skip it. Long chapter)-

Arthur was untacking Artemis as he noticed Kay pull down the flaps around his cot. He continues on with brushing down his horse until a few minutes later when he sees her rolling the flaps back up before walking out in her long trench coat with her satchel over her shoulder.

'Huh. A little warm for that coat.' He thinks to himself.

She walks towards him then goes to mount up on Orion.

"Where you off to woman?" He asks.

As she swings her leg over the saddle and places her foot in the stirrup Arthur fumbles and drops his grooming brush on the ground when he sees her coat slide away from her leg as she rests it along Orions side, revealing her bare leg, from the foot all the way up to her hip. "I'm going swimming." She smiles down at him.

"Jeezez woman!" He whispers as he looks around before looking back at her exposed leg. It's then that he realizes that she must be wearing that 'swimsuit' under her coat. 'That explains the damn coat.' He thinks. "By yerself? How many fellers you think you'll be able to pass before one of em decides he wants to see the rest of ya and doesn't care about your opinion on the matter?" He questions her.

"I'll keep it covered once I leave camp."

"Yeah?...and what about some fool walking up on ya while yer in the water with yer pistols outta reach?"

"Well if you're so concerned Arthur you're welcome to come along and protect me. Either way I'm going right now." She smiles as she guides Orion up the trail heading out of camp.

"Shit....KAY!-Hold on! Dammit!....Charles! Can I borrow Taima for a bit? I just un saddled Artemis and I gotta go, right this second, can't wait!" He asks urgently.

"Uuhhh, well yeah-of course. Go ahead." Charles waves him on.

"Thank you brother. I owe you!" Arthur nods as he mounts up on Charles' horse and chases after Kay.

                                 ~15 min later~

"Where are we goin' anyways? Or do you even know?" Arthur asks her as they ride side by side along the shore of Flat Iron Lake.

"There's a couple boats right up here. I'm gonna borrow one and row out to that little island right there." She says as she points towards the largest of the small land masses not far off shore.

"Huh. Okay. You been out there before?"

"Yeah. Did you know there's actually some lizards on those islands that you can't find anywhere else for hundreds of miles from here? I was out there taking notes and some samples when I first came out here."

After finding the boats Kay unhooks her bedroll and saddlebags from Orion then tosses them in the slightly larger of the two boats as Arthur holds it steady for her to climb aboard. He then pushes the boat into the water as he jumps in and sits down, snatching the oars from Kay.

"Hey! I can do...."

"I know you can but I'm not gonna sit back on my ass and let you row us out there while I just relax...what kinda man would I be?"

"Shit, you'd be like far too many men I've known over the course of my life." She replies, shaking her head.

"Well then you need to reevaluate your definition of what a man is." He chuckles.

After rowing for a bit the boat grounds out against the small island. Arthur hops out while holding the boat for Kay to get out before dragging it up onto land far enough to avoid it getting swept out and leaving them stranded.

Under The Eyes of The Wolf (an rdr2 Arthur Morgan x oc story)Where stories live. Discover now