32-Two Snakes Slither Into A Bedroll

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Warning-Chapter contains gruesome depiction of poisonous snake bites on a human.

A/N: I know that snake anti-venom had not quite been discovered yet in 1899 but for the sake of this story, it had.

K was correct in her assumption in regards to Charles.

"Of course I'll assist you. I will gladly help rid our camp of that vermin. Especially with all of the threats he's constantly making towards Tacoma, it's only a matter of time before he's foolish enough to act on one of them."

She explains the plan and everyone's roll in it as well as the importance of not ever letting Arthur in on the whole endeavor. She didn't include anything about her origins. She knew she could fully trust Charles if she ever did choose to share that part of herself with him. He would never betray her trust and maybe someday she would let him know everything but for now it wasn't necessary and she felt two people knowing was enough.

They went to the theater that Margaret had been performing at for an extended residency and found him in the holding area that all of his animals were housed in rehearsing a new act with his assistant Sally Nash and their "tiger". They were both quite happy and surprised to see her until she told them what she needed from him. Apparently the black mamba was the star of their deadly lizards and reptiles walk through exhibit.

After a bit of convincing and reminders of how much he still owed her for returning his "zebra", "tiger" and actual African lion, unharmed, he finally begrudgingly relented

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After a bit of convincing and reminders of how much he still owed her for returning his "zebra", "tiger" and actual African lion, unharmed, he finally begrudgingly relented. He confirmed that the snake was an adult male with both of its fangs intact and that it was extremely dangerous and to not ever attempt to handle it. He retrieved it with his snake hook and placed it in its specially designed bag that fangs couldn't puncture and he also grabbed four vials of anti-venom to go with it. He reluctantly handed the bag over to K.

"If everything goes well I'll bring him back to you in a couple of days. I can't guarantee that it'll all go smoothly though so if I don't return, you'll know you need a new mamba."

"Wait, if what goes well? What exactly do you intend to use this animal for?" Margaret inquiries.

"It's better if you don't know." K answered truthfully.

"Oh dear God...yes you're probably right. I don't believe I want to know. Please, just be careful. Do your best to return him to me. Here, wait..." Margaret headed over to a drawer and pulled out a pair of long thick gloves that went passed the elbow. "Here, use these and one of these if you must handle him." He offered K, handing her the gloves and a snake hook.

"Thank you Margaret. Consider us even."

"Oh thank heavens. And even if you aren't able to return him, please, come back and see us soon, preferably when you can stay for the show as well."

"I might do that." She thanks them again then they say their farewells. She and Charles leave the theater and head back towards camp with the deadly snake in its bag, hanging from Orion's saddle.

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