47-There's No Place Like Home

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Warning- It had to come sooner or later, so here's you're heads up. Chapter contains smut. Will mark beginning and end with *.

Arthur and K cautiously guide their horses down the path leading to Lakay. It was too quiet. No talking or bustling around of their fellow gang members packing up camp could be heard.

K notices something on the ground. "Arthur. Is that blood?" She questions him, pointing to a spot on the ground.

"Yeah. Looks like it." He confirms, barely above a whisper as he and K hop down off of their horses and draw their sidearms. They quietly creep up the path until the shacks of Lakay come into view.

"There." Arthur points to a body on the ground, then another and another. He approaches and kneels to get a closer look. "Hmm...Pinkerton's." He realizes.

"Yeah, I don't see any of ours. Do you?"

"No, but then I don't s'pose there would be. They'd either been buried by ours or arrested by these bastards. Looks like they ambushed us. Had a shoot out...then the wagons headed north, best I can tell."

"Yeah. At least that means they made it out. Hopefully we didn't lose anybody." She says as she stands to her feet from examining the tracks on the ground.

Suddenly a large, powerful arm grabs K around her waist from behind, pulling her tight up against a large body as another arm comes snaking up around her neck, wrapping her up in a secured headlock. "Don't you move, bitch. Not, another, move!" A tightly wound, agitated voice commands in her ear. "Hold it right there cowboy! Drop your gun or I'll snap her neck!" He yells towards Arthur.

(A/N: I don't know why, but every time I read this character's lines I imagine the voice of that GTA 5 character, Steve Haines. That prick FIB agent that Trevor ends up killing on the Ferris wheel late in the game, lol.)

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Eeeaaassy there partner." Arthur growls, holding his hands up in front of him in a calming gesture. "You don't wanna do that."

"Oh yeah? That what you think?! I guess you are as stupid as you look! I would absolutely LOVE to kill her and you as well, Arthur Morgan!" The angry Pinkerton spat back at him. "You filthy outlaws killed all of my fellow agents! So taking out you and your whore here is EXACTLY what I wanna do. I think it's exactly what I need to make me feel a little bit better over the whole situation in fact."

K held still, holding eye contact with Arthur. The man holding her was big and powerful, with a death grip of a hold around her. She could smell the stink of stale whiskey on his breath and sweat mixed with blood on his person. Wether it was his own blood or the blood of his fallen brothers, she didn't know. She knew either way though, in mere moments, it would be his own.

K and Arthur held each others gaze with knowing looks, neither of them appearing at all concerned. A slight smile and shake of his head was all Arthur had to offer in response to the furious man.

"What are you smiling about, boy?!" He snaps at Arthur.

"Oh, nuthin'. Just thinkin' bout how much yer gonna be regrettin' this in about, ooohhh...three seconds."

"Regretting? REGRETTING?! The only thing I'll be regretting, you smug son of a...AAAAHHHHHH!!!" The man cries out in agony as he buckles at the knees, releasing his hold on K as he collapses, the tendon on the back of his right knee having been suddenly clamped down on and ripped out by Tacoma's powerful jaw. The wolf had silently approached from behind to remove the threat to his 'mother'. The man continues to cry out in pain as he attempts to stop the blood that was pouring from his leg. Tacoma stares the man down with a vicious snarl. The look of arrogant and confident fury he'd had seconds earlier melts into one of pure terror when his eyes lock on Tacoma's.

Under The Eyes of The Wolf (an rdr2 Arthur Morgan x oc story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon