20-Did You Ever Dance With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight?

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The weeks that followed gave Kay a chance to get a closer look and better understanding of the inner-workings of the gang and as a result she decided to continue to pay the man who ran the stable in Valentine for the storage and secure keeping of her cart and the rest of her things she kept in it. If she needed anything from it she'd make a trip to get what she needed and leave the rest stored. She chose to sleep in Arthur's tent on the nights she stayed at the camp and she kept her tent with her saddle for the other nights that she stayed elsewhere. In her opinion, Dutch was a likable man and she respected him. However his actions were becoming more and more careless, pushing the odds too hard. She felt she needed to remain mobile, packing light so that she'd be able to move at the drop of a hat if need be.

Her choice didn't bother Dutch or anyone else for the most part. After all, Josiah Trelawney did the same and they had no problem with him coming and going. There was one man however who was in a different mindset. Everything about him in fact didn't quite sync up with the rest of the people in Dutch's gang. In fact if it wasn't for the soft spot Dutch seemed to have for him it's highly unlikely he would have been allowed to remain a part of the group. Dutch, for whatever reason, thought highly of this individual and had complete faith in his loyalty and abilities along with what he had to offer as a member of the gang and seeing as how it was Dutch's gang, Dutch had the final say in any and all decisions.

Kay hitched Orion and untied the small doe from his rump, hoisting the carcass over her shoulder. She approached the provisions wagon and dropped the animal onto the table. "Here ya go Pearson. Present for ya." She offered.

"Thank you once again, Miss! I'm glad I can at least count on one person to make the time to go out and secure the needed items to ensure the stewpot remains properly stocked and for that I remain grateful." He cheerfully thanked her.

"What can I say, nobody likes a watery, vegetarian stew so I'm happy to help." She smiled and waved as she headed to look for Arthur.

"Ah, well look who's returned to grace us with her presence." A sarcastic voice spat from behind Kay as she passed the game table.

Kay froze in her steps and looked around as if trying to locate the source of the voice

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Kay froze in her steps and looked around as if trying to locate the source of the voice..... "Satan? Is that you?" She questioned the air in a loud, over exaggerated manner, pretending to wait for a response.

A round of laughs came from Hosea, Sean and Javier  who were all sitting within earshot.

"Oh yes so entertaining, so clever." Micah Bell replied, mocking a slow clap.

She slowly turned with a look of expectant fear until seeing Micah, causing a look of over exaggerated relief to wash over her face.

"Oh, thank God, it's only you Micah....you sounded like someone else for a second there." She stated happily, placing a hand on his shoulder, earning another round of snickers from her audience.

"Keep joking and laughing it up. Whatever you gotta do to keep people from seeing you for what you really are. You got these morons fooled but I know exactly what you are. Only question is who is it you work for. O'Driscoll's? Raiders? No, they don't allow women amongst their ranks. Pinkertons maybe? Or maybe just on your own with your own interest in the bounties on some of our heads. I'll figure it out. So go ahead with your jokes."

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