Twist The Rules

68 9 17

CW// Rotting flesh (wOah are we becoming TT here?) dried blood, dead body, Alxton and Nico flirting for exactly .02 seconds, cannibalism


The fox-man turned around sharply, feeling the fluttering of wings on his shoulder as he did so. Nyx squeaked at him.

Nico was standing in front of him, smiling. His hands were in his pockets.

"What's up?" Alxton asked, setting the wooden spoon down.

Nico tilted his head, glancing at the stove where Alxton was holding a pot.

"Spaghetti." Alxton supplied, shrugging, and walked around until he was on the same side of the counter as Nico. he leaned back on the stone.

The two men had started to live together in a small, two bedroom house that Alxton built by the lake next to Lookumz and Kate.

"For breakfast?" Nico grinned, and Alxton shifted, chuckling, as Nyx buried herself into his hair.

"No, I'm just making it for dinner. I didn't even think about breakfast."

"Breakfast is important." Nico huffed, and reached out a hand to pet Nyx's head. In the process, he brushed Alxton's cheek with his knuckles.

Nico leaned back, and Alxton turned back to the stove to hide his burning face.

" good?"

Alxton was silent.

A hand landed on his head, ruffling his orange pelt as Nico loomed over him and leaned into his face.

"What did I do?" The man grinned, and Alxton mumbled something incoherent, covering his face.

Nico patted his fur once more and walked away.

Alxton turned around, crossing his arms and whining out a "Nooooooo."

"Dude, I can't pet you all day. I have better things to do."

"I- don't call me dude."

"Sorry, dude."

Alxton let out a fake snarl and leaped over to his friend, grabbing his arm as Nico put on a hat.

"Where are you going?"

"Nobody's seen Ambrew in a while- I told Kate I'd help her and Lookumz look."

"Can I come with you?"

Nico smiled down at him. "Sure."

As Nico adjusted his ballcap, Alxton jumped up and grabbed a black beanie and placed it between his large ears.

Nyx fluttered up and crawled over to nuzzle against the fuzz of the fabric.

Nico opened the front door and walked out, Alxton stepping in behind. Light rain was misting over the field.

"Nico! Alxton!"

Kate came running over, her eyes wide as she tugged on one of the sides of her overalls.

"What's up?" Nico tilted his head at her.


Alxton's ears, which had flattened against the rain, perked up to hear her better. "What happened?"

Kate waved her hand and led the two men to her home, where the front door was wide open.

Inside, one of the walls was splattered with dried blood.

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