Good Person

71 7 3

CW// Blood, guilt, shock, wounds

When he woke up, there was pain.

Fire, burning up his side, in his chest, in his throat- it was everywhere, and spreading.

Gold gagged at the tang of blood in his mouth- he sat up onto his palms, on his knees on the glass.


Gold blearily blinked, looking up and around.

The sky was a dark tan-gold, glimmering with stars.

Wind whipped around his blonde-brown hair as he slumped back onto his seat, struggling to breathe.

He glanced down at his shirt, which, to his shock, was glittering- but not crimson.

Silver blood was splattered across his arms and pants- soaking his shirt so that it stuck to his skin. Amazed, Gold lifted the side of his clothes.

A deep wound cut into his stomach area- he could see his own ribs, also shimmering white and silver.

His insides were the same gold as the sky.

Gold shrieked.

His outburst echoed through the void that surrounded him.

He panted as he scrambled to his shaky feet, trying to catch a thought in the haze of his brain.


Gold stiffened, and slowly, he turned his head to look behind.

The wounded man let out a ragged gasp, stumbling backwards.

Henwy leaned on a door frame that had appeared on the end of the thick glass platform he stood on.

The man looked much different than the last time Gold had seen him.

The light in his brown eyes was gone- replaced with exhaustion. Instead of being covered in silver like Gold- Gold realized with a lurch in his stomach- he was covered along his torso in dripping crimson blood.

He was pale, knees quivering as his hand slid on the frame from the slick blood that covered it. A large, rusty sword was stuck through the middle of his chest- just left enough of his heart that he hadn't been killed instantly when he died.

"What happened to you?" Henwy said, voice hoarse. He was missing several teeth.

Gold shakily pushed the bridge of his broken glasses up his nose.

"What's going on?" He stammered, sliding one foot back and away from the sociopath man. "Where are we? What-" He trailed off as he noticed the world behind Henwy's door- red, the wind and hail pelting his armored back. "Am I..."

Henwy met his eyes, gaze pity-filled.


Then Gold approached him.

Henwy stood stiff in shock as Gold wrapped his arms around him, trying to ignore the wet feeling of Henwy's blood mixing with his.

"Sigils killed you, didn't he?" Gold whispered into his bloody shoulder.

"I can't say I didn't deserve it," Henwy muttered back, and Gold felt the man's chin rest on his shoulder. "May I know what happened to you?"

Gold leaned back, looking at Henwy's tired face. "Why don't we- uh," he said quietly, glancing at the place where Henwy had obviously resided behind him.

It did not look appealing.

Gold held out his hand, and Henwy took it, leading him back into Gold's calmer- world? Room?

Gold's place.

Gold sat down on the warm glass, wincing, and Henwy sat across from him, crossing his hands over his torn chest. His eyes wavered over Gold's shirt.

"You were stabbed." Henwy said, quietly again. He seemed uncomfortable.

Gee, I wonder why.
Gold glanced up at him, surprised. "How did you know?"

"Well, with the direction and all- the way the blood... I just guessed." Henwy smiled sadly, looking away and up at the warm golden sky. "I'm sorry this happened to you. Nobody would be so... so angry, if it wasn't for me."

"Mistakes happen." Gold said softly, shocked faintly by his own words.

"Who did it?" Henwy met his eyes again.

"Sigils." Gold looked away this time, noticing that Henwy didn't even flinch.

"He's angry." Henwy murmured.

"I would be too. I can't even imagine how Karan is going to react- Karan."

Gold sat up sharply, breath hitching in his chest. He clutched at his shirt. "Oh- oh- he- I'm gone, he-"

Gold had completely forgotten about the mortal world, so shocked about seeing Henwy so different.

"Hey, it's alright," Henwy tried to soothe him, holding out a hand as Gold stood up, ignoring the pain in his side and beginning to pace.

"No it's not. I know Karan, and he's going to be pissed. He's gonna try to do something and get himself in trouble-"

He went silent as Henwy grabbed his hands, locking his wrists together in front of his face.

"We don't need to worry about them. It's not like we'll see them again, Gold."

Gold flinched, but knew dimly that Henwy was right.

"Where... where are the others?"

Henwy's eyes lowered down to the floor.

"Well, most of the dead live in an exact replica of the first ca- town." He said quietly, letting go of Gold's hands. "The alive are- well, alive- and we're here. And I don't know why." He added as Gold opened his mouth.

Gold went silent again.

"This isn't fair."

Henwy looked at him again, eyes wide as Gold let out a hiss.

"It isn't fair that I have to be here- that you have to be here," he added quickly, looking at Henwy as he turned away angrily. "While the rest relax. They all did their own crimes too." He snarled, stomping a foot on the sturdy glass. Clouds were beginning to form in the golden light. "It wasn't just us. That's why we're here, right? Because we were evil, right?"

He was nose to nose with Henwy now, breathing heavily.

"I don't know." Henwy said quietly.

Gold let out a shaky sigh- angry tears began to grow in his eyes, blurring his vision. "I don't deserve to die." He hissed.

"I was a good person."

He went silent, shaking, and slumped to the floor as Henwy approached his side, sitting down slowly next to him as the clouds disintegrated.


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