For The Fallen

65 7 0

CW// Mention of death, dark magic, anger

Sigils leaned against the tree, scattered raindrops falling on his hair. Most of the leaves blocked the hard rain from hitting him, though.

Kate and Zud were shoveling dirt back into the ground from a large pile- a small field next to the lake had been dedicated for a cemetery for the fallen.

Zud scooped one more piece in, flattened it down, and sighed with his head down.

Kate patted his shoulder reassuringly, and the two trudged through the rain with their shovels, back to the main town.

Slowly, Sigils turned his head, looking for anyone in sight of the field.


The man stepped away from the shadow of the tree, approaching the lines of headstones.

He stopped as he passed one.

It read 'HENWY' in bold letters, and under were a few small scribbles he couldn't read.

Damn, dyslexia. Sigils hissed under his breath, leaning closer to the headstone and tilting his head, blinking in the rain.

'2001- 2023'

Sigils let out a small huff, pushing away the trickle of guilt in his chest, and continued on.




Sigils stopped.


Sigils slowly lowered to his knees, the ground wet from the rain.

He stared at the headstone, not bothering to read the smaller text that was carved in.

He dug his hands into the dirt.

There was nothing under the gravestone.

There was nothing under the dirt.

Sigils blinked away tears. The Chaos Being wouldn't lie to him. They wanted what he wanted.


The rain poured over his face, seeping into his clothes.

The gravestone trembled slightly as vines began to wrap around it, blooming large blue flowers. The leaves curled as the rain poured over them, adding to the color. Several smaller plants grew out of the dirt around Biffle's headstone.

Sigils bit back a sob.

He dug his nails into the dirt, closing his eyes and lowering his head.

"You'll get to see him soon."

Sigils looked up at Echolalia, whose fur was soaked in the rain. They stood behind him, tail shivering.

Apparently, even all-knowing creatures who could kill the whole continent with a snap weren't immune to the rain.

"That'd better be right." Sigils growled quietly.

Lightning cracked in the dark sky.

The Chaos Being smirked as the lightning flash outlined their fur in white. "Don't doubt my power."

Sigils looked back to the grave.

"I realize that I've made a mistake. It might turn out to be in your favor, though." The creature growled, looking up at the rainy sky and squinting.

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