Try Me.

66 7 3

CW// Burns, blood, grief, fight scene

*Listens to Updog and Sub Urban*

-Angst time-

The world seemed to stand still.

Sigils was panting heavily, his burned face standing out like, well, burns.

Frost stood over him, face creased with anger.

Jerome was frozen in place, his brain beginning to feel like it was fuzzy.

And suddenly, he was rushing forward, letting out a terrible roar.


Sigils let out a scream as Jerome kicked him in the side, jumping up and skittering back like a wounded animal.

All his rational thoughts were burned from the fire in his mind.

He screeched, lashing out with his large paw and slashing Sigils across the face, adding another cross to the scar already on his nose bridge- from the man he had killed.

"Jerome-" Sigils hissed, stumbling back.

He wasn't fighting back.

Jerome stopped, but his muscles were tense, ready to pounce.

Sigils' two colored eyes flickered from his attacker to the crowd, which was watching with varying facial expressions full of shock and rage.

He looked back at Jerome, putting a shaking hand to his bleeding face.

"Jerome, please-"

Jerome let out a guttural snarl from deep in his throat, baring his teeth like the wild animal he was acting like.

He knew it wasn't very fair, that he should probably let the man speak, but right now he didn't care about being rational or fair.

Sigils had killed Henwy.

Sigils went silent.

"I'm going to kill you."

The man's head snapped up, his eyes widening.

Jerome stepped forward, walking slowly towards the man. "I'm going to fucking kill you."

Sigils' face converted from shock to rage in a fraction of a second, and he stepped back with one foot.

"Try me."

Jerome leaped.

Sigils dodged to the side as the people around started protesting loudly.

They had finally realized that only one man was going to get out of this alive.

Sigils' hands hooked into claws, grabbing Jerome's face and digging in.

Jerome let out a snarl as he felt his skin break, blood dripping from Sigils' hands.

Frost grabbed Sigils by the collar of his suit, pulling him back.

Sigils let out a choke, gagging. He threw Jerome to the ground before twisting and scratching Frost across the cheek.

Frost still held on, struggling to keep the smaller man from escaping.

Sigils bit his wrist, hard, and Frost let out a pained yell- flinching back as his wrist bled from the wound.

But Sigils didn't run towards Frost or Jerome- he ran towards the woods.

Jerome stumbled up, dirt and blood clotted in his fur as he ran after the escaping man.

Sigils' breaths were in heavy pants as he ran- still injured from his burns and the choke hold from Frost.

"Get back here, you COWARD." Jerome snarled.

He could hear footsteps behind him, as well as a flutter of wings.

Alxton and Nyx?

"What are you two doing?!" He looked behind him, confusion joining his rage.

Alxton's face was set in a grim snarl.

"Helping you."

He turned back, and Sigils was gone.

Jerome let out a ragged gasp.

Alxton ran up next to him, and pointed down as they stopped.

Blood splattered the forest floor, leading into the deeper parts of the woods.

"Let's go." Jerome started forward, but was held back by a paw.

Alxton was looking at him, determination in his gaze.

"Jerome, we can't catch him now. Look at yourself."

Jerome was beginning to feel lethargic from the fight and chase- his adrenaline was fading fast.

Alxton held his gaze.

"Alxton, I-"

"He can't go far."

Frost had caught up.

His icy gaze went over Jerome and Alxton, his left hand holding his bleeding right.

"There's a border on the outskirts of town. You can't get past it without access."

He looked Jerome in the eyes. "He won't go far."

Jerome sighed, and Alxton nudged his shoulder, supporting his tired frame as they walked back to the house.

You may have escaped, but we'll find you.

And then I'll deal with you once and for all.

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