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CW// Blood, burns

Last chapter written this way I promise-

But I need to keep it anonymous or else you'll just know who it was so ye-

He staggered away from the home, breathing heavily and clutching his face.

His arm burned like hell, but his face was bleeding and leaving a red trail behind his footprints.

I can't go into town, or they'll know.

He turned towards the woods, which were even less inviting.

Narrowing his eyes and feigning the urge to pass out, he tumbled into the dark forest.

He collapsed next to the bank of the lake, hidden by shrubs and bark from the rest of his town members.

Taking in a loud gasp of air, he shoved his head into the cool water.

Opening his eyes in the blue, bubbles blew from his mouth as red pooled in the substance.

He pulled back out, hair slapping his face as watered-down blood dripped onto his damp clothing.

He looked at himself in the reflection.

What the?!

His eye had turned blue.

The burned black part of his face was hardening over, and he stared at himself in shock.

A 4th degree burn.

All he did was touch me for a second.

This magic is powerful.

He slowly touched his face, charred like ash. It didn't even hurt.

I look like a freak.

(Note, I had to look up different degrees of burns to figure out what burn he had. Omgosh there was some pretty disturbing images but interesting info man)

He sighed shakily, leaning back and wiping his face.

His arm was still stinging.

The burns there were less severe, but still bleeding from how they had been opened.

He let out a hiss as he dipped his arm in the water, waving it around in the waves.

Now I just need to hide these.

WARBOUND- A Camp Minecraft Season Three Rewrite/AUWhere stories live. Discover now